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Thought just occurred to me, regarding the challenges our players will face adjusting to the too-complicated-for-mortal-man offensive system Steve'll be implimenting:<br /><br />Steve's used to replacing his entire roster every four years. He just might have gone through the process of explaining his system to a new bunch before.

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yeah, but consider this:<br /><br />1. At Florida, Spurrier was able to recruit some players for his team that other teams on his schedule were not able to get because of the drawing power of the school. So Steve had a nice talent edge on most of his opponents.<br /><br />2. Every other college team also had a similar turnover. In the NFC, the Rams and Eagles and Packers aren't turning over much of their rosters in 2002 and look to be as competitive if not more so next season.

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You know, I'm starting to think that the Spurrier system will be a huge advantage for the Redskins, in the same way that the west coast offence was a huge advantage for the 49ers of the 80s.<br /><br />That advantage is that the kind of players required by the system simply have a different skill set than those in the rest of the league. Effectively, it means that you are recruiting from a slightly different pool than the rest of the teams, meaning that you WILL get a better pick of players.<br /><br />Something that people always say about Florida is that they have access to the best players in the nation, and that advantage is going to be gone now that Spurrier is in the NFL. I think that view is flawed for the following reasons:<br />1. Before Spurrier, Florida was really a run of the mill program, slightly better than average, but not much. With his coaching, they became one of the elite teams.<br />2. Florida players tend not to be all stars at the next level. Heck, you could argue that Georgia produced more, and higher quality NFL stars than Florida... and after the past few days, we know about which school came out on top.<br />3. Because of the difference in the system requirements between Spurrier's offence and typical NFL offences, you will STILL get your pick of players (as mentioned above). Case in point is at the QB position. In just about every offence, Jeff Blake is a hugely superior player to Danny Wuerffel. But who knows, maybe Blake doesn't have the head that Danny has for the offence, which makes his other assets less effective. Same thing for WR, and OL, and others.<br /><br />Now, all of this IS predicated on the success of the system at the NFL level.<br /><br />Food for thought.

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while subtle differences between systems can make an impact the fact remains that Wuerffel has to throw the football to receivers making breaks downfield against NFL defensive backs. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />no matter how you slice it, Wuerffel has to show that either his arm is better and he is more accurate than has been reported or he won't make it.<br /> <br /> <small>[ March 26, 2002, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: bulldog ]</small>

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