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Star-Telegram: Are the Cowboys [Pukes] great? Jerry’s [Jerruh's] happy to answer


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...and Jerruh starts every meeting with the coaches by standing on the table and saying, "Who's your daddy?"

Um, looks like most puke fans except those that post here in ATN see that the WORLD is picking them to be in the SB...




Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says this coaching staff is better than those Jimmy Johnson-led ones in the 1990s. Star-Telegram/Max Faulkner

IRVING — Owner Jerry Jones is admittedly prone to hyperbole when it comes to his Dallas Cowboys football team.

Look no further than the $1 billion football stadium (palace) he is building in Arlington as evidence of his propensity toward overstatement, exaggeration and excess.

Want another?

Consider this recent gem: "This is the best coaching staff I have ever been associated with."

Yes, better than the Jimmy Johnson-led staffs that won two Super Bowls in 1990s and nurtured four future head coaches.

And better than the Bill Parcells-led staffs that helped foster the Cowboys’ ongoing return to the league’s elite while yielding two current NFL head coaches: Sean Payton of the New Orleans Saints and Tony Sparano of the Miami Dolphins.

Coach Wade Phillips’ staff that includes $3 million offensive coordinator Jason Garrett and a defensive staff that features a former defensive coordinator (defensive line coach Todd Grantham) and former head coach (secondary coach Dave Campo) as position coaches is the best in Jones’ eyes.

"Yes, the best staff overall, and I don’t want to get into the head coach," Jones said. "I am talking about the staffs in general. We have put together a staff with accomplished guys. If I had to list three or four of the most exciting things for this coming year, our coaching staff would be there at the top, and, obviously, Wade leads the way there."

What else did Jones have to say about the upcoming football season and the Cowboys’ Super Bowl-or-bust outlook during a recent sit-down with the Star-Telegram? Keep reading.

Are you worried about the leadership on this team, since it was considered a factor in last season’s playoff debacle? No. [Quarterback] Tony [Romo sits to pee] may be one of the most natural leaders that we have had with the Cowboys. [Tight end Jason] Witten is a natural leader. I actually think that [guard] Leonard Davis, with his physical-ness, has a leadership about him. So, on that side of the ball, those people come to mind. [Receiver] Terrell Owens, in his own way, has a way of uplifting his teammates.

How about on defense? [Linebacker] Greg Ellis is very much a leader. Someone might be surprised to hear me say that. But he is very much a part of setting a tone out there. And he is motivated to have real success, Super Bowl-type success. And [safety] Ken Hamlin and [cornerback] Terence Newman have those abilities. So leadership is not an issue with me.

What newcomer do you think will have the biggest impact on the team? [Linebacker] Zach Thomas because of his knowledge and how he plays the game. He will make a significant impact. Zach has a chance a chance to be our best acquisition. I liked Akin [Ayodele]. But he was in position to do a lot of things but didn’t always tackle the ball. Thomas gets the ball carrier.

Who will be the team’s most improved player? [Nose tackle] Tank Johnson. He is quick and strong. Now I want to see that carry through. But it would allow us to do some good things if Tank is everything he has shown in the off-season.

Where else do you see the biggest improvement on your team? At cornerback. We were really limited last year at cornerback. Nate Jones and Jacques Reeves got a lot playing time. Just give me healthy corners in Terence Newman and Anthony Henry, and we should make a big jump, and that is not even including the improved talent level with Adam Jones.

Did watching the New York Giants win the Super Bowl last year give you hope or make you angry? It’s motivation. It refreshes and reminds us that the playoffs are real and everything people say about the playoffs is real. You get in them and anything can happen. You can do it.

Does it excite you that a lot of prognosticators have the Cowboys in the Super Bowl this season? I am just excited about the season. I just think we got a better team. Last year, I couldn’t have expected to have the season we had. I am not trying to diminish not having playoff success. Everybody knows we should have done better. But we got a better team. I don’t know if I am expecting a better record and to get home-field advantage, but we got a better team that can do better than we did last year in the playoffs.

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start selling those super bowl tickets Jerrah

you know like last season :thumbsup:

That one story probably stings the most for the puke fans...imagine, putting tickets on everyone's locker right before a big game.


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Pride is a deadly sin. We shall see what jerry does when the Dirty pukeboys are smitten again by the Playoff Gods.

"Of all the marvelous works of God, perhaps the one angels view with the most supreme astonishment, is a proud man. "

-Charles Colton

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they were actually NFC championship game tickets, but your point remains valid, and yes, ouch!!!

He probably bought Super Bowl tickets as well and was waiting to give them out the following week.

Someone should remind him that the Super Bowl isn't won in the regular season.

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