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Brett Favre Question.......(NOT SKINS RELATED thus it's been moved to the ATN)


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As everyone knows by now Brett Favre wants to come back. I heard on radio today that Favre text messaged GM Ted Thompson multiple times and recieved a reply that he would not speak to Favre at the moment, also he ignored many calls from Favre's agent...........they say Favre may be off of the retired list(its called something else i just forgot) within 10 days...........who do you think will pick him up? where would you like him to end up? I personally think he might end up in Baltimore, they have been waiting for a QB for a looong time and will pursue him hard.

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Honestly I don't think he'll come back. He's denied it, and I call bull**** on anyone that claims GB is 'ignoring' Favre. Green Bay would love him to give it one more year, with Favre on the roster they're a Super Bowl contender, without him they're hardly even a playoff team.

People will make this out to be "Oh Favre is such a drama queen" but this doesn't seem like him. Favre has had his overly dramatic semi-retirement issues for a few years but normally he's actually open about his indecision. This time its 'sources' and Brett has denied the rumors.

If Favre comes back, he will be a Packer, or the world will come to an end. Brett Favre is nothing but a Packer, his days in Atlanta added up to nothing and he's a first ballot Hall of Famer in Green Bay and one of the most iconic figures of all time.

To see #4 in a different uniform would be wrong.

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#4 in a different uniform would do nothing to his legacy. Nothing.

I'm a Redskins fan and I don't ever think of Bruce Smith, one of my all time favorites, as one.

GB would be a contender for the championship with Farve and will be nothing without him.

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#4 in a different uniform would do nothing to his legacy. Nothing.

I'm a Redskins fan and I don't ever think of Bruce Smith, one of my all time favorites, as one.

GB would be a contender for the championship with Farve and will be nothing without him.

Somewhere Aaron Rogers is curled up in a ball sucking his thumb.

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He is in the reserved/retired list, which means he hasn't filed his "official" retirement papers with the league. If he was really going to retire the last few years, he would have done it. I think he likes to wait just before TC to guage his interest in playing again. He's trying to get Thompson to do one of 3 things. Put him back on the active roster, trade him or release him. I think it's the only fair thing for the Packers to do for him. If he is not in their plans, they should release/trade him.

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