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Funny: Want a letter of recommendation from a politician?


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Here's the wrong way to go about it! Some joker wrote letters to George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, and Jacques Chirac, trying to get a letter of recommendation for college. In fact, he tried to bribe Chirac with a free meal at Hardee's! :laugh:

I can't cut & paste the letters, but there at www.laststory.com at the "Political Correspondences" link.

Does anyone know French to translate Chirac's reply?

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Cher Monsiuer,

Le President de la Republique fancaise m'a confie le soin de repondre a l'amical message que vois lui avez adresse'.

Soyez assure que Monsiuer Jacques CHIRAC a ete tres sensible a votre proposition. Il m'a demande' de vous remercier bien chaleureusement.

Je dois toutefois vous indiquer qu'en raison d'un emploi du temps particulaierement charge', il ne sera pas possible de donner suite a votre aimable invitation.

Croyez bien qu'il le regrette.

Veuillez agreer, Cher Monsiuer,l'expression de mes sentiments les meilleurs



PS: Sorry, did this pretty fast so it probably has many errors (it's a graphic so I couldn't cut and paste).

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Dear Sir,

The French President has conferred to me the duty to respond to the friendly message that you have sent him.

Be assured that Mr. Chirac has been very open to your proposal. He has asked me to thank you warmly for it.

I must nevertheless indicate that in light of these particularly turbulent times, it will not be possible for him to accept your gracious invitation.

Please believe that he truly regrets it.

Wishing you all the best.



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