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HAHAHA, does it get any uglier??


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Glad you're back.

Ugly games come from good defenses, and two good defenses played today. And BTW, I believe we were discussing the Eagles offensive dominance in the days leading up to Sunday . . .


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor


"I fear we've awakened a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve."

- Japanese Imperial Admiral Yamamoto, after hearing that the Japanese declaration of war failed to reach the U.S. government before the attack upon Pearl Harbor

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That sounds too much like an Eagle fan blaming a loss on an "off day" or an aberration.

Let's see, last week Shanahan said that his team played the worst offensive performance ever seen against the Skins.

This week has the Eagles and their fans saying the same things.

Give credit where it's due.

For 5 weeks in a row, teams have "looked awful" against us.

Coincidence ? Or pattern ?

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Thanks for showing up NBTD. I had to work and didn't get to watch the game. Now, THAT stinks. I'll be relying on my bro's here to give me the blow by blow.

I do know one thing, though, you just have to be impressed with the Skins turnaround. Unbelievable!

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I guess ugly is in the eye of the beholder, son.

From where I sit, this was an old-fashioned, smack-you-in-the-mouth, my-guys-are-stronger-than-your-guys, first-one-to-blink, knock-down, drag-out, old-style NFC East thing of beauty.

I'll take one of those on any given Sunday.

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The Redskins won, they dominated, no excuses from me, that's for sure.

But I'm ashamed of my own MB, over at the eagles site, they're actually talking abouat benching McNabb, and giving up on him, oh how quickly they forget the good times.

I admit I was an a$$, but oh well, I got what I deserved for actin like a little kid, and talkin so much sh!t onyou guys. Redskins are for real, but I still think they won't make the playoffs, and if they do with that paper weight schedule, they'll get worked in the playoffs.

Go eagles, McNabb is the man, till the day I die.

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Originally posted by NBTD:

Redskins are for real, but I still think they won't make the playoffs, and if they do with that paper weight schedule, they'll get worked in the playoffs.

Redskins are for real? But,they won't make the playoffs and if they do its because they have an easy schedule,and then they'll get killed..????OK Mr. Double talk whatever you say.

BTW,you haven't been too good at making predictions,remember this great quote from you "You'll see this weekend, that not only is Lavar overrated, but that he won't be able to even find McNabb, let alone slow him down."

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