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"Iran and the Problem of Evil"

Commander PK

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Most of the younger generation, which includes me, from my perspective desperately wants to believe that we can all get along. They want to believe that if only we did this or didn't do that that things could and would be so much better. Most of the time they fail to realize that so much better has already in large part happened and it was the direct result of much of which they despise.

Its classic grass is greener on the other side syndrome, usually the younger you are the less you appreciate the greeness of the grass under your own feet as you are so used to it being that way. This inevitably leads to the default conclusion that american living is somehow the baseline for how humanity should live and all progression from this point would be an improvement. This can prove to be a fatal error in judgment, as criticism without the baseline of true appreciation and understanding for what you already have will tend to lead you backwards not forwards.

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