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Sporting News Draft Dish - Kalimba Edwards et al


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Draft Dish: Edwards' stiff showing hurts draft status <br /><br />A couple of prospects' draft status fell last week because of unimpressive workouts. <br /><br />South Carolina's Kalimba Edwards showed explosive straight-line speed but wasn't fluid in linebacker drills. Edwards still is a first-round prospect, but teams that had visions of Edwards playing linebacker right away might pass on him. . . . <br /><br />Indiana's Antwaan Randle El was one of the fastest rising prospects following his strong week of Senior Bowl practice, but the projected receiver/return specialist ran a disappointing 4.65 40-yard dash. At 5-9, teams might balk on drafting a player with such mediocre speed and poor size. . . . <br /><br />Some recent free-agent movement could have a direct effect on the top picks in this year's draft. First of all, with the Vikings signing cornerback Corey Chavous, a source close to the team says the Vikings now will go after a top defensive lineman. <br /><br />Assuming North Carolina defensive end Julius Peppers goes to Carolina with the No. 2 pick overall, the Vikings will have their choice of the top four defensive tackles -- Tennessee's John Henderson and Albert Haynesworth, Wisconsin's Wendell Bryant and North Carolina's Ryan Sims -- with the No. 7 pick. . . . <br /><br />With cornerback Bryant Westbrook going from Detroit to Dallas, both teams' needs change a little. <br /><br />Obviously, with Westbrook coming off an Achilles injury and only signing a one-year contract, Dallas still would like to add a young cornerback but might not feel the same pressure to draft Texas' Quentin Jammer. <br /><br />Conversely, if the Lions were to start the season tomorrow, Terry Fair and Todd Lyght would be the two starting corners and Jimmy Wyrick would be the only legitimate backup behind them. If the Lions don't trade their No. 3 pick, they will consider Jammer. <br /><br />The War Room, a team of football scouts headed by Gary Horton, analyzes NFL and college players, coaches and teams exclusively for The Sporting News.

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I figured as much which is why I'm hoping Grady or Sammie signs quickly with the Vikes to take them out of the D line hunt and turn their eyes to upgrading their O Line.<br /><br />And I was banking on the cowpokes taking someone from their homestate ie Jammer but it would be cool if the Lions did as well

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while I agree I would avoid some players that are either too small or may be true tweeners, I think some teams go overboard with these last second workouts.<br /><br />these players have years of history behind them and in a lot of cases things like vertical leap and straight-line 40 time may not be that important.<br /><br />for a wide receiver like Jerry Rice, quickness off the line and discipline in route running and preparation were more important than raw speed.<br /><br />remember those personnel guys that thought Walsh was crazy for taking Rice in the middle of round 1 of the draft in 1985?<br /><br />ditto for other successful receivers like Steve Largent, Art Monk, Charlie Joiner, etc.........<br /><br />none of these guys were that impressive on a track but all were impressive on the football field. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" />

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