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HOF Tickets?


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There's a Canton thread in the tailgate, stickied at the top of the page.

I'm pretty sure there are still tickets available, but you can probably get most of the info you need from that thread or the Hall's website.

Good luck. Hope to see you there! :cheers:

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found what I needed. Though I see the "Browns Fan packagae" I'm guessing all you guys bought up the Redskins fans package ! *shakes fist*

Edit: If I'm missing anything please let me know, am I write about the "Redskins Fan Package"

Edit 2: Thanks for not ripping me a new one for the thread starting. God I'm excited about this

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Don't sweat it, man. I hope you find the info you need.

And yeah, I think we're all pretty pumped. We waited so long just to get Art in there, and then to get Darrell in the same class, it's a dream come true.

I swear, when it comes time for Art's acceptance speech, I don't think there will be many dry eyes in the house, as far as the B&G nation is concerned. :)

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I have a ticket on the floor (section 33, row 7, seat 7) I bought just after the formal announcement. I probably won't be able to make it though. If you're interested shoot me a PM. (I haven't physically received it yet) This is a ticket to just the enshrinement. I missed out on the game.

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I left a messege with the people, and yes I am very intrested, son't go getting rid of it yet! Thanks man, your offically the man in my book right now

ill give you a should tommorow by like 12 via PM probably.

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Hell Yeah man. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm so boosted. I'm gonna see if I can work that package deal i saw, with everything but the ticket to the ceremony. That way I can be down in the mix with the hardcore skins fans, only seems right to me.

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Hell Yeah man. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm so boosted. I'm gonna see if I can work that package deal i saw, with everything but the ticket to the ceremony. That way I can be down in the mix with the hardcore skins fans, only seems right to me.

Amen, brother.

Let us know what hotel arrangements you make too, so you can do some of the weekend-long tailgating...errr...barhopping with us. We're going to paint the friggin town burgundy. :cool:

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So down dude. I'm so excited right now its sick i can barely hit the keys, like you said man, I been waiting for Art to get in for the longest time. Wrote em a letter when I got out of surgery for my CP when i was like 5 or 6. Love that guy. And DG to!!!! Wow.

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Yeah I really wish I could make it, but I just got a new job and will be doing some travel with it. I figure, if I can't have it, give it to a skins fan! I was eventually going to throw it up in the classified section, but this is easier. Hopefully I'll get to see it on TV at least.

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So down dude. I'm so excited right now its sick i can barely hit the keys, like you said man, I been waiting for Art to get in for the longest time. Wrote em a letter when I got out of surgery for my CP when i was like 5 or 6. Love that guy. And DG to!!!! Wow.

I'm always impressed by 'younger' fans who know what's up. I mean hell, if you were born in '86, you probably barely remember '91. Heck, I was born in '74 and barely remember '83. :(

Did you hear back from him after you wrote your letter? I was lucky enough to meet him at Carlisle a few times, and he was always great to the kids up there. Heck, most of those guys on the early to mid 80's teams were. Too bad our kids will never have access like that.

Also, you should not have had the surgery to have your Clinton Portis removed. You'll miss it in the long run. ;) Just kiddin', bro. I hope the surgery brought your quality of life to where it should be.

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Nah never heard back from em. It was cool though figure they have tons of stuff going on. As far as barely remembering 91'. Heck Seen every game from that season a few times over, seen the SB game countess times, love the Skins. The history is what makes us who we are today. So you have to respect it. Family members of the like use me as a encyclopedia of Skins/ Superbowl information I was naming off all winners/osers and stats when I was like 5. Love the game. Love the Skins, and since joing up to this forum I've gained a new respect for fellow Skins fans, good to know I'm not the only one.

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Nah never heard back from em. It was cool though figure they have tons of stuff going on. As far as barely remembering 91'. Heck Seen every game from that season a few times over, seen the SB game countess times, love the Skins. The history is what makes us who we are today. So you have to respect it. Family members of the like use me as a encyclopedia of Skins/ Superbowl information I was naming off all winners/osers and stats when I was like 5. Love the game. Love the Skins, and since joing up to this forum I've gained a new respect for fellow Skins fans, good to know I'm not the only one.

I didn't intend that to be disrespectful. I'm just saying that I respect younger fans, born at the tail-end of the glory years put the time into learning why we all love this team so much; and developing that same love yourselves.

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Oh dude, I didn't take it that way at all. Sorry if my response came off that way. That was definitly not my intention, not even close to it :)

For those of us who had to endure Spurrier and the like, its a breath of fresh air to go back to the glory days :)

Sorry again if it came across that way.

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Oh dude, I didn't take it that way at all. Sorry if my response came off that way. That was definitly not my intention, not even close to it :)

For those of us who had to endure Spurrier and the like, its a breath of fresh air to go back to the glory days :)

Sorry again if it came across that way.

No harm, no foul. :cheers:

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But yeah, it's great being ina family full of skins fans, there's only one whose a member of the darkside aka, Cowboys fan, he's in via marriage that makes me feel alittle better haha.

Another funny thing is he flys out to Dallas every year for the Skins game, to be amongst his "brothers". So eh flew allllll the way out there for the Monday Night Miracle. long flight home for that guy :) I rag on him every year when I see him. good times. Wonderful times. haha.

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Whoever said tickets to the game are sold out is wrong

Tickets for the HOF game HAVE NOT GONE ON SALE YET. The only tickets you can get now are the ones in the packages but sometime in the next couple of months individual tickets for the game will go on sale

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Whoever said tickets to the game are sold out is wrong

Tickets for the HOF game HAVE NOT GONE ON SALE YET. The only tickets you can get now are the ones in the packages but sometime in the next couple of months individual tickets for the game will go on sale

QFT!!!1 Almost had me ready to flip something over out of anger. :laugh:

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