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Value of Chad Johnson Dropping...


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Yes another thread on CJ, but I saw this article and this could end up being huge. With CJ going around the NFL begging for a trade, this could end up hurting his chances of getting traded, seeing how the Bengals probably can't get much for him anymore, maybe a 1st day pick if they're lucky. All Chad has done is diminish his value, and make the Bengals not want to trade him that much more.


It does seem at some point Chad will be traded or released, according to rotoworld, he's only 2 years into a 6 year deal. IMO look for him to be traded after the 08 season, with a smaller cap hit, but for a diminished value.

Contract info: http://www.rotoworld.com/content/playerpages/player_contract.aspx?sport=NFL&id=2544

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The Bengals will not get rid of Chad Johnson hes too important to the team. Thats Carson's boy and hes the reason TJ gets open all the time. They just need to show him the respect he deserves and let him be himself.

thats exactly right but with TJ now upset too I think its deeper then we all thought in cincy. And I dont think its JUST CJ being a baby that is causing this.

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****y players have lesser value. I learned something new today.

I think you're being sarcastic here but if not, what about TO and Moss?

It seems like WRs have the biggest egos and also the most fragile. Almost all of the great ones were eccentric in one form or another. People like Monk and Harrison are more the exception then the rule.

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I really, really hope the Eagles stay away from him. I really, really hope the Skins make a move for him.

Neither of these scenarios have any bit of a chance of happening. If the Bengals haven't caved yet, they ain't gonna.

Why would they cave? They still have plenty of time before the draft. Why bother now, when they can wait until after the combine when teams have guys scouted and have their hearts set for certain guys. Then draft day approaches and rumors of people climbing and dropping happens, and teams get nervous so they look to unload picks or trade for players that will fill a need that can no longer be addressed through the player they targeted in the draft due to movement.

Its one thing to say it isnt going to happen, it may not. But it only HELPS the Bengals by waiting this out longer and longer.

Not to mention, his antics aside, everyone knows CJ is one of the best receivers in the game, his value wont drop unless he comes on TV and says he supports the taliban or something. the guy is worth a 1st rd, 2nd rd at the worst, and someone will pay up I guarantee it. The Bengals are holding out for the best deal, playing their hand very well.

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If we could land Chad for anything other than a 1st round pick,it would be the perfect offseason for us...

We need to try to get the most talented DT/DE that we can find...Bluechipper if you may....

If we could land Chad for a 3rd this year and maybe an addition pick in 09,that would rock BIG TIME..!!

Why?Because we will probably be getting a 3rd round comp pick anyways for Dockery,even though much lower...We could concentrate on D-Line,CB or OL in the 1st two rounds...

Think about this for a sec...

1st round=Brandon Albert

2nd round=Calais Campbell

3rd round=traded for Chad Johnson

3rd round (comp pick)=CB or a DT seleted here...

We will have improved 3 major needs to our team with potential blue chippers...

Chad would significantly improve our passing game....Albert would help solidify our O-line for the Jim Zorn era for the next 10 years.....and Calais could be the dominating Pass rusher we have needed since Manley...and to pair him up with Carter would be huge..!

I would much rather do that than HOPE Sweed or Kelly or no additions going into the 08' season...

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