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Predictable, Exhausted, but Motivated


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In my opinion these three words describe the Redskins team of 2007.

Predictable - We brought in Al to run an offense, and all we did (in my opinion) was, make his offense extremely predictable. All most every package we ran suggested our play, if we wanted to run we came out with a jumbo pkg, wanted to pass we came out spread. About the only play we ran that was unpredictable (that I can remember), was a draw play from shotgun on 3rd and goal at about the six yard line, but even that play, though attempted to be disguised was still quite predictable, with any prior knowledge of Gibbs.

On defense we were relatively the same, this is no knock on our defense which I believe performed at very high levels throughout the majority of 2007. But anytime we brought a blitz the safety/cb/lb came up to the line and it became clear what our intentions of the play were, and I can recall very few plays, if any, where we showed blitz and would drop into coverage.

Exhausted - The one is pretty self explanatory with the injuries on either side of the ball as well as the loss of the Sean Taylor, how much could you expect of the Redskins. The Redskins are human too, and many were called upon much sooner than expected, do you really beleive that Stephon Heyer thought he would line up against Kerney in a playoff game, his rookie season. What we got out of them last season was more than any team could ever expect or hope for, and if you disagree ask how yourself how many teams dealt with the adversity we did, played in arguably the toughest division in the NFL, and still made it to the playoffs? 1

Motivated - This is a fact we are going to have to face, we cannot expect our team to play with the heart desire we saw for the last 5 games of the season. Sean Taylor's death inspired both the defense, as well as his Miami teammates, to play possessed. Beating one of the hottest teams in the NFL, in the Vikings, and at their own game. Then going on to beat the Giants the next week, who went on to win the Superbowl. The last game of the season felt great as well, I don't care who says what, everyone knows Dallas had a slim to zero chance of winning that game with their starters playing all game.

I guess what I am getting at is, I hope next season we are less predictable on both sides of the ball, in my opinion the WCO will definitely help us here. But I am hoping that Blache continues to develop Landry into one beast of a Safety. I would really like to see him continue at free safety but play close to the box, and blitz more frequently than the avg FS, because in my opinion and by his combine numbers, Landry is a little bit faster than most. We could bring him to the line and he could still drop back in coverage, much like the Steelers use Troy Polamalu (s/p). I beleive we will be less predictable, and I can't see us being much more exhausted, hopefully we can gather a consistent season, where we aren't required to win out to make the playoffs. So here's to the Washington Redskins of 2008. HTTR

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The problem I have with the people gripping about predictability is that in his first stint here, Gibbs was predictable as well. Hell, the Hoggs use to tell the D-line what was coming. The fact is in the NFL, execution is key. It shouldn't matter if the other team knows what play you're going to run. What matters is can they stop you from executing the play. Unfortunately, that is where we failed as an offensive unit: execution.

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In my opinion these three words describe the Redskins team of 2007.

Predictable - We brought in Al to run an offense, and all we did (in my opinion) was, make his offense extremely predictable. All most every package we ran suggested our play, if we wanted to run we came out with a jumbo pkg, wanted to pass we came out spread. About the only play we ran that was unpredictable (that I can remember), was a draw play from shotgun on 3rd and goal at about the six yard line, but even that play, though attempted to be disguised was still quite predictable, with any prior knowledge of Gibbs.

This is what pisses me off the most. It was like SAunders was given a list of plays by Gibbs to run.

Had we let Saunders call the plays (it woulda been different than early in 06 when he was calling plays since everyone more or less knew his system), things woulda been different. For better of for worse? Dunno, but it woulda been different.

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The problem I have with the people gripping about predictability is that in his first stint here, Gibbs was predictable as well. Hell, the Hoggs use to tell the D-line what was coming. The fact is in the NFL, execution is key. It shouldn't matter if the other team knows what play you're going to run. What matters is can they stop you from executing the play. Unfortunately, that is where we failed as an offensive unit: execution.

-I completely agree with your point, however though Gibbs game didn't change the NFL did. New rules were incorporated to protect the qb, which has in turn allowed for offensive teams to be more explosive. There was also a salary cap that came into play, though you make a valid point I don't believe you can make the comparison due to changes in the rules of the NFL.

-I also don't believe that with half an offensive line, two consistently injured receivers, and a qb starting his first full season, you can expect a team to execute at an elite level. Also considering no one in our division was sub 500.

-And though execution is key, you can't discount predictability. That would be to say if you know a team is passing your obviously not going to bite on the play action, if you know a team has a tendency to run in a jumbo pkg then your linebackers/safeties can come up and be one step closer to the making a play. Not saying execution isn't extremely important, but I won't agree with your notion that it shouldn't matter if the Defense knows the play.

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Also, in Gibbs first stint here, all 5 of our starting O-linemen outweight the D-line by 50 pounds a man. Easy to be predictable when 300lb Joe Jacoby is running over 250lb DE Kim Bokamper. The line was a knew thing with the over 275 pounders. Jacoby ran at 300, Grimm at 295, Bostic at 265, Dean/May at 280/295 and Starke at 290. As a whole, we outwiehged the defensive lines by 50 pounds a man.

Now most NT's/DT's are tipping the scales at 320. You have to be more unpredicable nowadays. You just can't overpower teams anymore. Misdirection and keeping the defense guessing is the name of the game.

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The problem I have with the people gripping about predictability is that in his first stint here, Gibbs was predictable as well. Hell, the Hoggs use to tell the D-line what was coming. The fact is in the NFL, execution is key. It shouldn't matter if the other team knows what play you're going to run. What matters is can they stop you from executing the play. Unfortunately, that is where we failed as an offensive unit: execution.

The hogs told Randy White they were going to run right at him, Riggo ran 50 gut at least 5 times in a row.

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Also, in Gibbs first stint here, all 5 of our starting O-linemen outweight the D-line by 50 pounds a man. Easy to be predictable when 300lb Joe Jacoby is running over 250lb DE Kim Bokamper. The line was a knew thing with the over 275 pounders. Jacoby ran at 300, Grimm at 295, Bostic at 265, Dean/May at 280/295 and Starke at 290. As a whole, we outwiehged the defensive lines by 50 pounds a man.

Now most NT's/DT's are tipping the scales at 320. You have to be more unpredicable nowadays. You just can't overpower teams anymore. Misdirection and keeping the defense guessing is the name of the game.

Great point, today's athletes are bigger, stronger and faster on both sides of the line, that has to account for at least some modifications on every aspect of the game, like schemes and individual plays

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Please be prepared to bring the thunder to the WCO

Isn't it weird to have a Redskins "WCO" coach?? after all these years. I'm sure somebody will correct me, since I'm no expert, but a fan, but... I really don't look forward to dink and dunk (?) passes, but if it keeps the Wins coming then so be it.

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Isn't it weird to have a Redskins "WCO" coach?? after all these years. I'm sure somebody will correct me, since I'm no expert, but a fan, but... I really don't look forward to dink and dunk (?) passes, but if it keeps the Wins coming then so be it.

Just keep the chains moving. Part of the WCO is to use the pass as part of your running game so to speak. Alot of YAC by the WR's.

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It has proven to be an extremely effective offense, and especially under the teaching of Mike Holmgren. We will have to wait and see how Zorn will run his own WCO, but I can't wait to see us running the ball on first down with four wideouts. Also look forward to seeing what Jason can do, it seems the WCO really brings allows a qb to show their value to the team.

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Thats all brunell ever did was dinks and screens but you think when he broke that completion record he threw one pass down the field?

Isn't it weird to have a Redskins "WCO" coach?? after all these years. I'm sure somebody will correct me, since I'm no expert, but a fan, but... I really don't look forward to dink and dunk (?) passes, but if it keeps the Wins coming then so be it.
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No I remember watching that game, he didn't go downfield but one or two passes it felt like. But to be fair most elite qb's in today's NFL, run dink and dunk offenses and this is what leads to their high comp% i.e. (Brady, Manning) ever watched how much they check down to their respective HBs

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move on it's 2008 new coach

-Just might be the reason were talking about the WCO and not whether Gibbs or Saunders is calling the plays. Don't know who pissed in your cereal this morning but thanks for your profound post, and hey atleast you made your post count go up right?

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Well, the upside to this comment, the way I see it, is exactly that we have a new coach in 2008, that should take the Predictable part out of this next season. That's what I meant with the WCO in place now, that no team in the division will have any substantial base as to what to plan for vs. the Redskins. I'm specially curious about how Portis will play in it. and I look forward to it, I think he will do great ...you know playing the pass to setup the run; In theory that many recievers getting catches should improve both on his ability to remain fresh the entire game and/or season and his yards per play as the field should be more open to run. :2cents:

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