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WT: Cap issues put COLES on HOLD


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Some things of note, of which, the Arrinton stuff is BAD NEWS:

The Redskins had only about $500,000 of cap space yesterday and signing Coles would have required at least $1.5 million more. Restructuring defensive end Renaldo Wynn freed up $1.2 million of potential savings.
He offers plenty of potential savings (in excess of $4 million) but already has huge cap figures in 2004 ($8.8 million) and 2005 (more than $10 million). And those figures could grow based on his play next season. Restructuring his contract would take cap space out of 2003 and put it into 2004 and beyond, which could force Washington to part with one of its cornerstone players.

In other words, reworking Arrington's deal might be a sign the Redskins are starting to take away from their future to win now.

Who the hell negotiated this rediculous contract? And what would the effects be if we extended him instead of just restructured him? I love Arrington, but he is simply NOT worth THAT kind of cap hit. No player is IMHO, unless it is an All Star Quarterback.
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Sometimes you are a screeching lunatic with no cause.

Lavar Arrington has played football for the Washington Redskins for three seasons. He's made two Pro Bowls. He's done that despite the constant alterations in scheme and his role. For the last three years, the man has had total cap hits of the following:

2000: Signing Bonus proration -- 1.5 million. Base -- 193,000.

2001: Signing Bonus proration -- 1.5 million. Base -- 300,000

2002: Signing Bonus proration -- 1.5 million. Base -- 1.12 million

His total cap hit for the last three years has been 6.113 million. The man has hit incentives that allowed his deal to improve. He made Pro Bowls while playing on the cheap. I don't know how much more fair the contract can be.

Clearly, as with Samuels who has likewise met incentives, Arrington's deal got big and gets bigger. Obviously you are going to go to him and see what you can work out with him in terms of extending the life of that deal. I'd worry less today about this. In three years, it'll be an issue though :).

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I might be wrong on this, but I thought top draft picks (unless your Ricky Williams) all signed deals similar in structure.

If that is the case, who is to say the FO screwed up in the contract? Did they offer Arrington and Samuels contracts with abnormal incentives/escalators. I just figured that was the price of doing business with these high picks - that every team structured these types of contracts in the same way. That way, the team gets some protection if the the player isn't all that, and the player gets rewarded if he is.

Is this not the case? Are other teams somehow able to get their top draft picks signed without these potentially mega cap hit figures? If so, the FO did screw up. If not, what can you do? The only solution is to avoid those picks. Which is what makes the magnitude of Coles' contract somewhat more palatable, versus trading up to get Rogers/Johnson.

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I have a cause.

A Linebacker should not be taking up 1/10th of the cap.

That is my cause.

I hope something can be done because I really like LaVar.

And yes, rookies contracts are usually structured depending on slotting.

But this has never seemed to happen to us before, has it? Is Arrington the first player to hit his incentives for us that we drafted?

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Yes he is. Most players don't make the Pro Bowl their first few seasons in the league. There is too much of a fan biased system for young players. Like this year, Mike Alstot makes the Pro Bowl. Is it me, or did he not even do anything to really help his team this year. That is a problem with the fan vote system, so they structure deals like this knowing that fact. Lavar beat the system because he's that good. Now they better restructure his deal, or we're in trouble.

We are currently building a roster of young talent, and in a few years they are going to start collecting and we'll have to scramble. I wouldn't be surprised if we lost Champ next year because of this stuff.

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We probably are not as in much trouble as some of you may believe....I havn't seen anyone mention the fact that the skins have over 10 mil in dead cap space this season. he addition of that next year should make it easy to sign Bailey. As far as Lavar, he definately needs a restructured contract that will limit him to a dollar figure....but we may need to give him a signing bonus like S. Rice's....tough decisions but I think we can keep this core team together for a long time

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My real concern is that we clear the cap room and have Coles sign the offer sheet TODAY. The longer this thing is stirred around, the longer the Jet's have to find a way to keep him. Coles comments aside, a team is not going to give away their #1 receiver without exploring every possible option to keep him. The longer it takes to sign him, the longer they have to look for loopholes, similar to the issue they discovered with the Morton contract.

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Actually, I think we have more then $10 mil of dead cap space this year, but I'm not so sure next year will be any better.

Bruce will definitely be gone next year, and Big Daddy too ... or perhaps we'll lose him this year after June 1st. Either way, both of those guys have been through a bunch of renegotiations, and have a lot of pro-rated bonus that will come do.

The good news is that our ledgers should be clear, and all the dead wood pruned away in two years. So I"m sure the FO plans to borrow against the year 2005-2006 cap in order to carry us through the tighter 2003-04 cap years.

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It's HIGHLY unlikely the Coles offer will be submitted until tomorrow approximately five seconds after the Jets decide on Morton. That frees up money if they match and if they don't, it allows us to finalize whatever touchups we need to do contractually.

As Snyder told Coles on Friday when they spoke, he would get back to him later next (this) week. Talks accelerated to the point where Coles is holding up a jersey, talking about it being a formality while the team does what it knew it needed to do last Friday, in clearing the appropriate amount of space.

Morton's clock ending will start the Coles clock.

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The Washington Post states that they are re-working Lavars contract. I hope that something can be worked out.


Its near the bottom of the article

Redskins Notes: Club officials were negotiating a contract restructuring with linebacker LaVar Arrington to clear the salary cap space necessary to accommodate Coles's offer sheet. .

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