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Would a Reality TV show like the movie "The Running Man" be a smash hit?


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;) I was clicking for something to watch the other night and noticed the movie "The Running Man" was on...

Of course...I've seen it probably 100 times,but it's the kind of movie that once you start watching...you have to watch it all.

So then I got to thinking...What if a game like that, was actually on TV these days?

Would it be a dud...?Would it be a smash?

For those that don't remember the movie it's got actors Arnold Schwartzenegger ,Richard Dawson (Family feud),Jim Brown(HOF RB)and that famous wrestler...(Can't remember name?)

Basically....to descibe it short..


It's about a futuristic reality show that allows Criminals to be contestants on a show where you play for your freedom...(the world at this time lives in a state occupied zone where criminals where collar explosion devices where no escape would seem possible...)and you can almost smell the poverty just watching the movie!

Well...anyways....They shoot these criminals through tubes to an undisclosed destination,where the Stalkers (supposively good guys) hunt them down and kill them!Jim Brown is Fireball I believe, as well as you have many different kinds of stalkers who have gadgets and weapons at their disposal!

If you haven't seen it,it's a must see for the new generation....

So...What if a game like this really existed?Or maybe I should say...Are we heading to games like this with all these new invented ways to entertain our audiences?

I mean...I missed that new show (sleeping) called "Moment without truth" where they are hooked up to lie detectors and have their families in the audience,while being asked very personal questions and stuff!

Would our Country actually allow something like the "Running Man" ,to be a part of our society...?

Even I have to admit...As disturbing it may sound to have a TV show like this,even I probably couldn't help but watch it! :doh:

Can you imagine real life "Death row" inmates on a show where they could die?Or criminals with no chance of freedom accept playing on this show...?

As sad a world we live in people...Unfortunately,I think the answer is YES! :doh:

I think a show like that would CRUSH "American Idol" !

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The answer is yes, it would be successful. Ultimate Fighting is becoming huge, and I'm willing to bet most people don't order it on PPV to watch technically sound wrestling. They're watching for blood. The Faces of Death movie series wouldn't have kept putting out new editions if people weren't watching them.

Folks talk about how our society has evolved past Roman times, when gladiators fought lions, etc. for their freedom. And while it's true that society has evolved, I believe there are enough people out there who would still be entertained, that have some taste for blood inside of them. And the premise is interesting, the idea of lifetime criminals being given a chance at freedom.

I don't think I'd watch, but I couldn't rule myself out. I would bet there are many people who would, with no second thoughts.

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Yes, there is blood in MMA fights and that is definitely a factor for a viewing audience, but you guys are really overstating the bloodiness of the fights as well as what the reasoning for folks to watch pay-per-view MMA fights. A lot of folks most certainly do watch MMA fights for technical wrestling; if they didn't appreciate that element of the sport and wanted to just see blood, they'd be sorely disappointed. In fact, there are entire events that have little blood, and more grappling and submissions then anything else.

The last event did have a very bloody fight, but the blood was due to a glancing elbow more than anything else. And frankly, blood-lust just isn't enough: A viewer has to have a appreciation for the sport to watch it.

Now, in regard to Running Man, are we talking about the game or show in its movie form, with death and everything? I think there would be a small audience for it, but I don't think it would be too popular. Most folks do not want to see others die for their entertainment, which is why we like "safe" games of conflict such as football and even the UFC.

Faces of Death are cult movies; the average person does not watch them, nor do they visit gore websites and such.

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