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ESPN/AP:Williams, Saunders Dismissed-Byner Related News


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We know JC played some WCO at Auburn. But what about his team mates? Cooley and the receiving corps? He has to have someone who knows the system as well as he does. Otherwise, he'll be dropping balls in places that receivers aren't going to be. That's IF Zorn can teach him to put more touch on the ball. Just look at how much more productive the swing pass to RB's was with TC as compared to JC.

Hopefully, they are grooming KO to be the man for the future.

Don't think for a second that many of us who appreciated Gibbs and took a lot of crap for it won't heap some back on the people who are already fawning over Fizzle.

Ranting and raving here does help to relieve the stress. I know my dog appreciates the outlet :silly:

In order :) :

Zorn is well and widely regarded for teaching solid QB mechanics, and working with touch on the ball is something fundamental to his past play and coaching. So was being smart and having a good release.

Keeping KO is going to help smooth things and was a good move indeed, IMO.

I don't think that for a second. I was a big Gibbs supporter (he'll always be the best overall to me and I love the man) and wanted him to saty. I never let that blind me to his errors, but I believed there were so many surrounding factors to our struggles and that his upside, even though he truly isn't like Gibbs I ,IMO, and just his presence were worth staying with through the fifth year and then see. Obviously, many people on ES disagree, but that's where I have always been on him.

As far as raning and raving, I can write a lot on that, but I will say that I support a little healthy venting and am very happy for your dog :laugh: :cheers:

What the hell are you talking about? All your posts are are a mess.
Because of the manner in which you broached the matter, I will respond by saying your comment suggests the issues are with your level of comprehension and not my compositional skills. Fortunately, and happily supportive of my contention, no one else is struggling, as you can see. :)

But stay tuned, I often write in very simple and silly styles and say ab-so-lute-ly whacko c-R-aZy stuff!!! I mainly try to have fun here, so those posts may appeal to you more. :)

the process is important because it does in fact have an impact on the candidates that this team may target.

not everyone is so enamored with Snyder's dollar bills that they are going to come here if the perception is it's a return to the Zoo mentality of a few years ago.

in fact the BEST candidates whether for HC or the best players available in FA will likely pass this team by if that perception becomes the reality for them.

Very rational thinking, and a reasonable speculation, but what would make that idea fun and more interesting is to watch what happens, or review what has, and see if we can put an actual candidate/player name of someone we go/have gone after and see if the application of the theory fits.
Things can unfold as described. Chances are pretty slim, though.
You know, while I wrote that very casually, I think it's actually a pretty good chance. I have to tell ya, I hope I'm right and you're not. :laugh:
I don't know how Snyder feels but he absolutely should be concerned with the thoughts and feelings of his customers. The fact is, he has not been a successful owner. He has gone against the grain to a fault and continues to do so. I have always given him the benefit of the doubt and remained on his side but after this botched coaching search, I am beginning to grow sour on him.

This is not rocket science and it is baffling to me considering that a proven methodology exists. Hire a GM, the GM hires a head coach and the head coach goes out and hires a staff that he can work well with and whose philosophies are a a good fit.

Or, we can continue with the current dysfunctional organization where a group of people in undefined roles come together and make decisions that they are not qualified to make.

fpickering, I know the points in your post have been written many times by various people, and some of them have had counterpoints offered, but I quoted the whole thing just to say I hear ya and feel much the same way.

I have written about the cutomers and such but I certainly don't make excuses or support nonsense of any type when I see it. I do explore these matters and I have written some of the reasons I believe this coaching search has gone the way it's gone, among other things.

I also tend to put meaningful things in context of a big picture, contrasting and comparing. Taking an interest in understanding how things happen and not just reacting (boy do I react sometimes :silly: ) to them is something I like to do. It usually makes some of the muddied water more clear to me, which does not equal "so it's ok with me." But I may have gone too far in comparing Dan to Lector. :D

True, I think Snyder's kind of thinking does permeate a bit around the league, and has in recent years. However, I think we saw through this process that many teams are taking just the opposite approach. How many teams denied us access to personel, because they were grooming that person from within the organization, for HC and coordinator jobs in the future? I know there were a lot of them. The good organizations have succession plans, and dont go searching far and wide for replacements, once the HC leaves. They already have them on staff, and they make every effort to ensure it stays that way. Its something we might want to start thinking about... homegrown talent and a succession plan, rather than this fiasco.
I think the part I highighted is a reasonable specualtion, but I can't say I "know" it to be so in any meaningful way. Maybe it's happened three times, six, one, or none. But in principle I sure agree with you--in my opinion, a top notch organizational leader always has people working on various contigency plans and operational model for crises.

The Redskins organization has some real disorganization, and I think some serious internal communication problems. But even as I say that with a somewhat educated and experienced eye (from my life), I am not really there in those offices. And Dan really is worth hundreds of millions. I often note that when I opine on this turf.

To those guys, unlike us, the Redskins are also a business with a tremendous investment involved and thier livelihoods affected by their decisions. How that might steer this stuff is more unknown to me, but I find it hard to see how appearance and public image is unimportant in any big business. This outift needs a top notch front man as much as anything, IMO.

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...But whether you call what transpires here on EmoteSkins venting or simply unleashing your inner drama queen, the ES staff will remain ever-present to guide you through it all, like beacons of reason and stability in the frightful and tumultuous night.

I saw some poster complain about having his Snyder is a **** thread closed and I counted 5 other threads at the time :doh:

I remember working News when there was a Breaking Story

I would think the Mods have that experience also....Kinda exhilarating

Extremeskins is like a big group therapy session...and much needed

Thanks Mods....

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Wiilliams deserved the head coaching job. It seems Dan Snyder wanted a yes man who he could instill fear into for not winning like he did with Norv, but Williams wasn't going to take that crap from GW. Saunders deserved to stay also. The offense performed well and to me it's a disrespecto Gibbs because he was the person who hired them both.

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Just a thought that came to my nearly empty head, Jumbo, in ref to you mentioning Snyder's success and millions as a reason for deference a couple times. Often times, when a person is unbalanced or dysfunctional in certain ways, the worst thing that can possibly happen is for them to have a high level of professional success (make a lot of money, in this case) because it serves to reinforce, in that person's mind, his or her own capability or competency, even if it's obvious to most around that person that the opposite is true and that person is bat **** loco. You can see how, as a many multi millionaire, you may get the tendency to think you've got it all figured out and the people saying otherwise obviously don't know ****....otherwise they'd have your kind of money, right? Just a thought that, to me, seems awfully pertinent when discussing Danny.

That and if the Scientology rumors are actually true, well, then the Skins truly are ****ed. :laugh:

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You know, while I wrote that very casually, I think it's actually a pretty good chance. I have to tell ya, I hope I'm right and you're not. :laugh:

Jumbo, IMHO, for things to unfold as you describe, the stars need to align for the offense. Overhauling the offense rarely produces good result right away, UNLESS the new offense is SIMPLE and it just depends mostly on talent.

Unlike the Boys, we don't have the talent to pull this off.

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Cool, so our offense has to learn anther system. Especially Campbell. Our defense has to learn another system after 3 years of stabilty. when after that we went through 5 D's in 5 years??

I understand change, but at what point do you try.....alittle to keep some sort of stability to something. No wonder we never do anything, it changes every year.

I think we've tried the win right now thing, how about trying building and see how that works.

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Very rational thinking, and a reasonable speculation, but what would make that idea fun and more interesting is to watch what happens, or review what has, and see if we can put an actual candidate/player name of someone we go/have gone after and see if the application of the theory fits.
Bulldog; now we have a solid subject ;)


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