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WP/WISE: The Coldest Shoulder


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I tend to point the finger at Karl Swanson for every smear campaign that comes out of Redskins Park. I just do that because it's fun mostly.

In my over-heated imagination, Snyder tells Vinny that he doesn't want to hire Williams but doesn't know how the story is going to go over with the fans. Vinny tells an underling that the firestorm is going to be fierce when GW is removed from the search. The underling goes to Karl with these concerns, and Karl has an underling leak that Williams didn't think much of Gibbs . . . and there probably should have been some criticism since it was warranted.

This gets superheated in the press into "Williams attacks Gibbs" in his interviews.

If you notice, Danny and Vinny never said anything negative about Williams. But their organization knows what to do.

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So this is the thread where all the hOMers have been hiding...

Hey, another random peanut lobbed from the gallery.

Got everything you need up there, guy? Beer? Earmuffs? Plenty of nuts?

That's why I have my handy Occam's Razor, to cut through the fog.

I would think after over seven years on these boards with you, you've realized that I'm not one to jump to too many baseless conclusions, much less am I one looking to bash either my team or its ownership.

All I can say here is that I've done the math, and the relatively few missing numbers aren't that hard to figure out. Cross-multiply man! ;)

If old Bill Occam was around today and had to sift through the mass media fog to find the factors from which to begin sifting, my guess is he'd add an addendum to "plurality should not be posited without necessity."

It would probably read something like, "and for the sake of the good Lord above, do not, I repeat, do NOT, give equal credence to that which you absorb via the interweb, sportstalk radio or even the local 'mainstream sports press' as you do from that which you are actually able to observe with thine own eyes. Be an educated consumer, friend."

That said ... I am not discounting out of hand the possibility that Snyder intentionally and with malice of forethought had someone in his organization leak rumors that GW had badmouthed Gibbs, in an apparent effort to grease the skids for not offering him the job as many fans were clamoring for him to do, and then, faced with backlash to the story that inevitably broke a day later, recanted it unequivocally in the press, thus being left with a steaming pile of poop in his hands that did more damage than good.

I'm just not quite prepared to buy it whole cloth, either.

Somewhere, Occam is turning over in his grave. :)

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