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It's not SNYDER who is blowing this!


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My biggest gripe is that Snyder is disrespecting everybody that got the team to where they are now, including the fans, players, coaches, coaching canidates, and Gibbs. It's mainly the lack of class and respect for the people around him that make him so disliked.

Well said! :applause::applause:

Now go to the Green Door. :cheers:

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Ok, I'm confused. How is Snyder disrespecting everybody? He is spending time, energy and his money interviewing coaches, some multiple times to find one who he feels will do the job. Is it because he is not telling YOU what he is doing that makes you feel disrespected? There are potential candidates who are still in the playoffs, DS has publically stated that he is waiting until after the Super Bowl to make an announcement, he has given AS and GW the right to interview with other teams, while GW's agent has stated that the FO didnt say the things about GW that the media reported. Perhaps you should look at the media disrespecting the Skins FO and fans, not Snyder.

My biggest gripe is that Snyder is disrespecting everybody that got the team to where they are now, including the fans, players, coaches, coaching canidates, and Gibbs. It's mainly the lack of class and respect for the people around him that make him so disliked.
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Ok, I'm confused. How is Snyder disrespecting everybody? He is spending time, energy and his money interviewing coaches, some multiple times to find one who he feels will do the job. Is it because he is not telling YOU what he is doing that makes you feel disrespected? There are potential candidates who are still in the playoffs, DS has publically stated that he is waiting until after the Super Bowl to make an announcement, he has given AS and GW the right to interview with other teams, while GW's agent has stated that the FO didnt say the things about GW that the media reported. Perhaps you should look at the media disrespecting the Skins FO and fans, not Snyder.

I went over that briefly on page 3, post 35. Although its a little outdated now, I feel I got my point across good enough...The media's coverage of this is a different story, but the Skins front office has given nothing but "no comment" on nearly every subject. So it should come as no suprise that the media will report every wild story they hear, it's thier job to do so. That could have been avoided had the Skins cooperated and answered either "yes" or "no", they didnt have to go in depth and get into details even. But it is what it is...I never said that I felt disrespected. I said what made Snyder disliked was HIS apparent disrespect for the people around him. Thats just how I see it.

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