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Atlanta Area 'Skins Fans: Kincade on 680-The Fan

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In Atlanta, there's an afternoon drive time sports talk show on the ESPN affiliate (680-The Fan) which features Buck Belew (former UGA QB) and John Kincade, a sportscaster and Philadelphia Eagles homer (he sometimes fills in for Colin Cowherd). Kincade takes every opportunity to bash any NFC East team (especially the Cowboys) and recently set his sights on the Redskins, claiming that they really weren't a very good team and he never 'bought into them' while they went on their December win streak.

Any Atlanta area 'Skins fans ever called in to this show and talked 'Skins with him or talked to this guy in person? Anybody ever put him in his place? He seems very smug and wrapped up in the Eagles' recent stretch of NFC East dominance though his team has never really accomplished much of anything.

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Kincade is and has always been an idiot. Every time I used to hear him come on for Cowherd, I'd turn the show off. He was practically giddy with his chance to be heard nationally and he sounded like he was trying so hard to impress the big wigs and get his own show. He's also a prick who's only form of insight is to find ways to bash callers. He makes cracks against the Redskins and a lot of other teams but never has actual analysis. He's a waste of time.

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I listen to Kincade's show at times when he's on ESPN radio on Sunday mornings when it's not football season because I usually like some of his opinions. But, listening to him, he usually is smug, and when he comments on something, most of the time, he usually doesn't back it up with facts, and doesn't give educated opinions.

Also, when he counters people trying to call in, he doesn't really let the fans counter his points because he hangs up on them well before making his counterpoints.

I still listen to him though, because at times, I still find some of his commentary interesting, even though at times, he sounds asinine in giving it.

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Listen to him all the time down here. While I don't really like his Philly homerism (anytime he makes a comparison of any team it is to his Eagles) he makes some pretty good points sometimes. Don't take offense to his comments on the Redskins, he comments on all other NFC East teams (Cowboys mostly) and has eaten crow quite a bit. I even called in once two years ago when we went on our playoff run and he was spewing his "hate". I got the last laugh when we ran the table and made the playoffs and he admitted he was wrong.

He was one of the people threatened during that Michael Vick "Town Hall Meeting" Earlier this year but he stood by his point (which was Anti-Vick) and never backed down despite that the "majority" of idiots there wanted to kill him

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