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Clinton apologies to Obama on drug remarks


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blah blah blah partisan bs blah blah talking point blah blah quagmire.

Voters will be looking for a person who can lead in the future, not make excuses for why he cant lead.

Even the best leaders need time because the current CnC has dug this nation into a huge ***hole.

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Even the best leaders need time because the current CnC has dug this nation into a huge ***hole.

It's funny, Im pretty sure lefty's have been crying foul everytime a GOPer brought up something Clinton did. Now you're saying to expect that to be the centerpiece of the talking points once Obama cant deliver what he promises?

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Right now I want one thing from our next President...I want to feel that they are going to keep our nation safe not through fear, paranoia or back-door deals....but through character and strength of convictions. Someone who can give us all a sense of hope.

I will not vote for Hillary or Gulliani...I don't trust them at all. Obama...I am leaning towards him but I want to do some more homework.

There are nights I watch the news or read things in the papers and all I want to do is look at my 4 year old son and say, "I am so sorry that I brought you into this mess."

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If Obama gets the Dem Nomination - there is one huge slogan that the Republican opponent will use that will be hugely effective:


I think the Republicans will be licking their chops.

His full name will lose him allot of votes - It's just too close to too many negatives.

It's true. Stupid people do vote.

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OBAMA is all hype..

He talks about the audacity of hope, but he needs to have the AUDACITY TO VOTE. Out of all the presidential candidates, hes missed the most votes while campaigning.

TO me, the most important vote that he missed was the Kyl/Lieberman Iran vote. Regardless of how you think a candidate should vote on that issue, I think we all agree it was important one way or the other because A) it was either a vote for diplomacy, or B) a step short of calling for war with Iran. Obama, being the hope mongerer that he is, conveniently missed that vote. Its not the first controversial vote hes missed.

He conveniently voted to condemn Republican attacks against Sen. Max Cleland and John Kerry, but when it came time to condemn Move On, he skipped that vote, even though he had voted early in the morning. Again, regardless of how you feel, missing a vote reflects your inability to either A) Protect free speech in a democracy no matter how obnoxious, or B) refuse to condemn attacks against the military.

To me, Obama is a disaster for the Democratic Party. Hes had three years of experience at the federal level, and he talks about bringing change, but what has he done to change Washington?

Yeah he sponsored a bill on government transparency with Tom Coburn, but it was other senators who did the heavy lifting when it came to the details. And when it comes to sponsoring bill, you don't have to do much to be a co-sponsor. Compare his leadership to Tom Coburn or Sen. Jim Demint who were also elected in 2004. On issues that matter to the conservative base, like government spending and immigration, they have been working hard behind the scenes to bring the kind of change their constituents want. From a progressive point of view, Obama has done nothing to that effect.

People talk about national polls, but we all know it comes down to individual states with the electoral college.

Look at these polls and you'll see why Obama running against Guiliani would put New England of all places in play. Despite Guiliani's numerous scandals, people still value MEANINGFUL leadership and experience.

Massachussets (progressive bastion right?.. not for obama)

Clinton 54%

Guiliani 40%

Obama 46%

Guiliani 44%

New York (democrats must win this state to ahve any shot in the general election)

Obama 46%

Guiliani 46%

Clinton 56%

Obama 37%

http://www.surveyusa.com/electionpolls.aspx (scroll down for Mass and New York)

In my opinion, Clinton's camp and her supporters are pretty stupid in drawing contrasts. You can say Obama is more about ambition than leadership because hes been in the senate all but three years and hasn't shown any leadership (all those missed votes) there, and now he thinks he can be president.

But you don't have to talk about his desires in kindergarden or his past drug use to draw distinctions.

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Guliani won't even come close to taking the Republican nomination. He is doing woefully bad in all recent polling, losing to the likes of Huckabee and Romney. You can't lose your first three states and win the nomination. And that's certainly what's going to happen.

No matter who the Democrats trot out, I think they will be a winner. But if anyone can get out the votes for the Republicans and independents, it's Hillary. People hate her.

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