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Joe Gibbs - gametime decisions


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Joe Gibbs is good at:

* Getting the players to play as a team

* Getting the players to work hard/want to succeed

* Picking good people who have character

* Getting rid of the wrong players

* Surrounding himself with good personnel/coaches

Joe Gibbs is not good at:

* Making critical decisions during the game

Why do we want him to quit? His good column is hard to replace, and his bad column is much easier. Wouldn't it make more sense to simply ask him to give up the bad? He's already given up most of it anyway, by hiring Al Saunders.

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Unfortunately, this ledger has led to a losing record after almost 4 years, and if the coach wasn't named "Joe Gibbs," many more folks would be calling for his head.

What this team needs is a more long-term view and not the quick fix mentality that has been embodied by this organization.

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i don't care what anybody wants to say about joe gibbs for one key reason: would you rather be in the position we are now with the team we have now, or the positions we were in for the 10 seasons prior to gibbs' return. think about it before you talk about the grass being greener on the other side. i totally believe that our team is 1000x's better than the spurrier regime. gibbs has put us on the right path: we have young talent, we have a future franchise qb, we have a solid young defense, we have all but 1 draft pick next year, we have found undrafted rookies who have stepped in, and, most important, we have a family on the field and not a bunch of TO's.

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i don't care what anybody wants to say about joe gibbs for one key reason: would you rather be in the position we are now with the team we have now, or the positions we were in for the 10 seasons prior to gibbs' return. think about it before you talk about the grass being greener on the other side. i totally believe that our team is 1000x's better than the spurrier regime. gibbs has put us on the right path: we have young talent, we have a future franchise qb, we have a solid young defense, we have all but 1 draft pick next year, we have found undrafted rookies who have stepped in, and, most important, we have a family on the field and not a bunch of TO's.
EXACTLY. Still, he's pretty bad at handling timeouts.
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Joe Gibbs is good at:

* Getting the players to play as a team

* Getting the players to work hard/want to succeed

* Picking good people who have character

* Getting rid of the wrong players

* Surrounding himself with good personnel/coaches

Joe Gibbs is not good at:

* Making critical decisions during the game

Why do we want him to quit? His good column is hard to replace, and his bad column is much easier. Wouldn't it make more sense to simply ask him to give up the bad? He's already given up most of it anyway, by hiring Al Saunders.

You forgot :

Joe Gibbs is not good at making half time adjustments

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i don't care what anybody wants to say about joe gibbs for one key reason: would you rather be in the position we are now with the team we have now, or the positions we were in for the 10 seasons prior to gibbs' return. think about it before you talk about the grass being greener on the other side. i totally believe that our team is 1000x's better than the spurrier regime. gibbs has put us on the right path: we have young talent, we have a future franchise qb, we have a solid young defense, we have all but 1 draft pick next year, we have found undrafted rookies who have stepped in, and, most important, we have a family on the field and not a bunch of TO's.

How about neither? Is it possible, just maybe, to demand, and expect, more than mediocrity and ineptness? I don't care what the previous 10 years were like. We can be better, and we can find someone good. Not gonna happen if we're too scared to get rid of our current bad coach.

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Joe Gibbs is not good at:

* Making critical decisions during the game

I was listening to the Riggins show this evening and he mentioned that a player on the Defense who wished to remain anonymous said that the team is getting used to Gibbs making critical mistakes [back to back timeouts] and that they're just having to learn to play through them. I don't think it will come to this but I'd hate to see players start coming out and questioning JG in front of the media.

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Joe Gibbs is good at:

* Getting the players to play as a team

* Getting the players to work hard/want to succeed

* Picking good people who have character

* Getting rid of the wrong players

* Surrounding himself with good personnel/coaches

Joe Gibbs is not good at:

* Making critical decisions during the game

Why do we want him to quit? His good column is hard to replace, and his bad column is much easier. Wouldn't it make more sense to simply ask him to give up the bad? He's already given up most of it anyway, by hiring Al Saunders.

As a Bills fan I just want to say, Gregg Williams was that kind of coach, Dick Jauron is that kind of coach. They both lose games for their team.

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I just dont get how i keep seeing " If Gibbs cant fix us no one can". Or "remember the Norv and Spurrier years" like nobody else could come in and FIX this team. Does anyone think the Bears would rather have Ditka over Lovie right now? Past performance does not ensure future success. I keep seeing the same team every week for 4 str8 years. It was not well constructed by any means.

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