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A Tribute To Sean Taylor on Comcast: Blacked Out for Geo-Challenged Fans

TD Riggo

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Once again, fans of the Redskins outside of DC got hosed today. Comcast blacked out the Redskins official tribute for Sean Taylor (ran at 4:00pm an 8:30pm today) that included all of the video that was played at the game. I would assume it contained a lot more, since I have seen the five minute video.

Did anyone happen to record it? Would you be willing to upload it to the online file depository of your choice or burn it to DVD?

I am so tired of being a fan of the Redskins and being left out on much of the Redskins coverage! Although they did allow us to see the funeral today and I really appreciated it, there were a number of things .. especially this tribute .. that I really wanted to see.

Mods: if you know that the Skins FO is going to offer this to fans at a later date, then please let us know.

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Someone PM'd me a few days ago that this file was placed on Putfile. I joined and then tried to download it from there, but their site wouldn't work and when I emailed their support, the Puttfile dunderheads blew me off.

Does anyone else have this tribute that they could upload to a BETTER site that works? Like MegaUpload or something?

I'd love to see the 20 minute tribute video.

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Someone PM'd me a few days ago that this file was placed on Putfile. I joined and then tried to download it from there, but their site wouldn't work and when I emailed their support, the Puttfile dunderheads blew me off.

Does anyone else have this tribute that they could upload to a BETTER site that works? Like MegaUpload or something?

I'd love to see the 20 minute tribute video.


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