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One of the greatest things about Sean was him being quiet...


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You see, in Islam, we have a saying - crudely translated here - that God has a special place near him for those who never spoke more than they had too.

Which describes Sean's relationship with the media to a T. He never spoke more than he had to, and he only opened up to those whom he needed too, i.e. family, teammates, coaches.

My dad pointed this out, and in my procrastination to study for Organic Chem right now, I thought I'd share...

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I liked the fact that Taylor never spoke to the media because it's what made him so unique. He wasn't out to get the media fame, he wasn't the highest paid player on our team, he wasn't a finger pointer or front runner.. His self control is what made him so great on the field. He spoke through his play

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Yeah, and he created a bit of a catch 22 with the media.

Apparently when he initially spoke with them someone twisted his words and he didn't want himself portrayed in a negative light so he stopped talking to the media. Now his lack of communication with the media made him a bit of an enigma and some people are portraying him in a negative light.

It's pretty sad that he didn't speak because he was afraid of being misunderstood, and now he will forever be one of the most misunderstood football players in memory.

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Two Redskins have been bitten by not talking to the media as much as the media believes they should.

Art Monk was one.

Although Taylor was opening up a bit, it was too little, too late, I suppose.

If he had been as mouthy as TO, I suppose we'd be hearing a LITTLE bit differently. But then I think that if TO is ever murdered, in spite of him having a spotless off-field record, they'd spin his jerkiness in a team setting into him 'deserving it.'

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but i'll tell u this. the fact that he let his play speak for him and did not glory-seek is the reason he's such a fan favorite today. that's why to me he epitomizes what a Redskin shud be. I've been thinking if I'da felt(god forbid) this for any other athlete, probably not the same way and I was not even a fan of him. I admired his play but that about it. You truly don't know the value of the good ones until they've passed away. I wish I had a chance to meet him and tell him how proud I am of him being a Redskin.

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he was one of the most misunderstood players. The media never understood him, oftentimes fans never understood him. Other teams and fans definitely didn't.

If there was one person in the league who should have held out last year, it was Taylor, but he didn't. Instead he was late to OTA's cause he held a bday party for his daughter. The media, however, said he was going to hold out.

Taylor was quiet to the media, but from every story I've heard, he was loud to the fans. Loud in the sense he talked to them. Humble and friendly. Enigmatic, yes. My friend quoted it best "he'd play for a sandwich" (no pun intended to all the ham sandwich jokes we have).

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