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If there are guardian angels out there...


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Sean Taylor protected the field....no one dared venture a deep ball into the midst of Taylor's range.

Sean Taylor protected his character....he would not allow the media to trick him into saying negative things about himself

Sean Taylor protected his family....and gave his life doing so.

Redskins fans, the most feared protector this organization has ever seen has just joined a new organization in Heaven.

As miserable as I am, I will have a spark of hope.....because there's a chance that me, or you, the Redskins, or all of us, just acquired the highest-rated Guardian Angel prospect to ever come across the Heaven Big Board.

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Nice thoughts. Bad theology (from a Biblical perspective, anyway) Angels and humans are separate creatures. People do not become angels.

Gibbs' cannonization of Taylor notwithstanding, none of us know the state of Sean's soul at the time of his death. We can only hope that he died in a state of grace and pray that he is indeed in a better place, putting our trust entirely in God's just judgement and mercy. I pray for the repose of Sean's soul and the souls of all the faithful departed.

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As much as it grieves me Aherald is right we don't KNOW whether Taylor had a relationship with God or not. The only clue was during Gibbs presser where he mentions that he doesn't believe a person can just change on a dime like Sean has, that it takes I can't remember the exact word he used, but he did say that the Fiance was a believer I think, or at least that she had a faith, so there is hope for me personally that Sean was turning his life around because of God and not just because it "looked good"

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