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This can't be life...


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I understand the disbelief of having someone so young and so full of life taken in such a horrible, senseless way. My prayers to his family. But unfortunately this a part of life now. We live in a violent society. People go thru this every day. Thousands of people are killed in this country on a daily basis. Even more are killed by their own hand. This is a part of life and it shows us just how human these guys are. As much as we want them to be superman and as much as they achieve and accomplish, the bottom line is they are human. It's sad...it's tragic....it's beyond comprehension...but it's a product of a violent society. One where it's almost acceptable for this type of behavior.

My heart bleeds for his family and the daughter that will never know her father and just how much he meant to us.

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I just keep thinking to that time in the move "Remember the Titans" when the friend of the guy in the car accident said something like "You can't be hurt ... You're Superman ..."

I just keep thinking that to myself, how Sean can't be dead. That he is Superman ... It honestly doesn't feel real right now. As much of the news reports I've watched and read ... it still doesn't feel real. I just keep thinking about how much we saw of him this season, and how we were talking about the potential to be the greatest we saw in him. Now ... none of that matters ...

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Ive never have felt so sad and devastated for someone Ive never met, talked to. But I know so much of him. He is a Washington Redskin and he represented this franchise so greatly. He loved being a Redskin. All that was just enough for me to purchase his beautiful#21 jersey just before the season. Proud to know that this jersey will last forever in our minds and hearts. He will always be a Redskins. Forever. :helmet:

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Unfortunately, this is life. I still can't believe it either though.

God don't care whether you’ve got a spade or not

Aint no turning in your playing hand you was dealt,

Better tighten up your belt man, always go with

Your first instinct ‘cause, I don't make the rules

Oooh, you know how it is in these streets

Victims rarely get a chance to think twice

As he laid in his final resting place

He had such a peaceful expression in his face

My vision’s blurry from crying

But it aint hard to see that

At any time it coulda been me

It's about 90 degrees outside

But yet I feel like I'm froze

The ceremonies come to a close,

I toss a rose but just can't seem to walk away yet

Damn, I done effed around and got upset

But it aint nothing we can do

It's bigger than me and you

One day our time coming too

So aint no use in being sad

Leaving here was probably the best gift he ever had

We should be glad

Maybe his life was something

That he had to give to show me

That I need to be responsible ‘bout how I live

I won't complain about my pain

But I just aint gone let my n***as die in vain

So Sean I'm gonna make it for you

The cycle that these young black men keep goin through

I'm gonna break it for you

And start takin’ care of me

And me consists of all my friends and my family

From now on, until I'm gone….

Born into these crooked ways

I never even asked to come so now I'm living in the days

I struggle and fight to stay alive

Hoping that one day I'll earn the chance to die

Pallbearer to this one, pallbearer to that one

Can't seem to get a grip, 'cause, my palms sweatin' ...

----Goodie Mob

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