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My Personal Thoughts on Sean Taylor and the Redskins Family


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Stwasm, hope you don't mind if I post this here.

I tossed and turned all night thinking about Sean and this tragic incident. This was before I logged on to ES at 0600 to find out that he didn't make it. While thinking of Sean I couldn't quit thinking about a young Airmen of mine.

Demond Wells was probably the sharpest troop I've ever had the pleasure of working with. Well discliplined, smart, always sharp and professional. Demond loved sports but most of all he loved football. I knew how much he loved the game so during fan appreciation day I loaded him and another young troop of mine up in the truck and drove to Ashburn from Andrews. I didn't tell them where we were going until we arrived at Redskin park. Demond was so excited and the first words out of his mouth was, Sgt Huffman you're crazy, I want to see Sean Taylor.

Demond played safety for a farm team there in MD and from what I hear he was pretty damn good. He played HS ball in Sumter SC and according to the coach I spoke to he wasn't the most physically gifted player he'd coached when he first walked on the field but because of hard work and dedication he was hands down the best he'd ever coached when he left. Demond chose the Air Force but never lost his passion for the game. Let me tell you this kid was a physical specimen. When we did CPR class everyone joked that the six pack having dummy was Demond. Dude was jacked and took great pride in being fit. He was in awe of Sean on the field and even though he was a pretty big kid all he could talk about was Seans physical abilities. Although this kid wasn't a Redskin fan he was a huge Sean Taylor fan. We spent about 2 hours at the field that day and he couldn't take his eyes off Sean. "Look how that dude stalks the field", "look at him close, Oh my God he's fast!", "there is no way a guy that big should be able to move like that." On and on it's all he could talk about. He looked up to Sean, idolized him.

Unfortunately Demond wasn't able to continue his pursuit of football. Just a few weeks later he died in a motor cycle accident at 20 yrs of age. I went to his funeral to honor him and to tell his mother and father how wonderful their son was. No matter how bad I was hurting it was obvious his mother and father hurt a thousand times worse. Finding out Sean died has made me relive this all over again and it hurts pretty damn bad but I can't help but think how bad those close to him must feel. My thoughts and prayers go out to them and especially that little girl who's father was senselessly taken away from her.

Zoed, I don't mind your post, at all. That's a really good story. Take solace in the fact that, now, Demond and Sean will meet in eternity and a much better place.

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Zoed, I don't mind your post, at all. That's a really good story. Take solace in the fact that, now, Demond and Sean will meet in eternity and a much better place.

Honestly, I don't know how I didn't make that connection until you just said that. Dude I've got chills. I can see Demond talking to him now, thanks stwasm. I needed that.

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Honestly, I don't know how I didn't make that connection until you just said that. Dude I've got chills. I can see Demond talking to him now, thanks stwasm. I needed that.

Part of the reason why I started this thread was to offer some sort of healing, though I originally thought it would be a longshot. Your comment above makes me even happier I decided to go ahead and post it.

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