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One growth spurt away


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That's what I came away thinking after the Bucs and the Dallas game. The Redskins are one growth spurt away from learning how to be that good team. From not being too sloppy or too tight. From figuring out how to focus and not spot the other team 20.

I don't see Campbell as becoming a great qb, but I do see him becoming very good. I think he more than everyone is in need of that one more growth spurt. One more-- Been there, oh you do that, not this. He's close, but he's making mistakes that just look like growing pains.

Personally, I'm in pain too. I don't want to rationalize this. Right now, we are just good enough to be really bad. I could say, the loss of Jansen, Thomas, Randle El, Wade, Rogers, and Taylor are too much. I could say that if Moss is too distracted by his pain he shouldn't play or that if we are down to relying on Caldwell and McCardell who we got after the season started... we have to be in trouble. I don't know what to say about Portis. If he's premier, he has to make fourth and a foot, and if he's so good that he should be held out preseason and not play, then he can't have those fumbles.

That we're this close DESPITE everything is killing me. It gives me hope, but I really don't want to be on a resperator. I want to feel the outright joy.

But I'll tell you what, Heyer is a growth spurt away and so is Campbell. Cooley, Samuels and Fletcher are pretty much the only guys who are there now. I don't trust many of them. Some of them are there right now, but are in clear decline. Some of them were there. Some of them look like they might never get there.

The Redskins are one growth spurt away from being a good team again. I'm just tired of waiting.

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Actually, your presence brings up a good point. I have learned to trust Rock Cartwright and believe he is there. That's four. I'm sure I could get up to ten, but I'm feeling tired.

You are now feeling about him what I have known and felt about him for years.

He does what he has to do.....he doesn't give up.......he plays to the end.

I know you will get to 10.

If my school had not blocked ES.......I would help ya from work......but alas......I must work.

I will check on ya when I get home though.

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