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I like this team (positive thread. Merged)


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I LOVE the Skins ...

This current bunch of players are overpaid, and have yet to show their true potential on the field.

1/ Betts & Clinton - they both have had a miserable season. Clinton had 2 costly fumbles in the Tampa game that resulted in 10 points. Did he manage to score 10 points to neutralize that? I don't think so!

2/ WRs - I don't know what possessed the coaches to go with the smurfs! Perhaps Gibbs was reminiscing on the good old days when he had Clark and Sanders. None of the present bunch stack up to those two. We need tall, speedy, and physical receivers. Mix and Cadwell are good addition. And, we should have never ever cut McCardel.

3/ Props to the Defense. They made the game competitive ... If not, it would be lights out in the 1st quarter itself.

There are some positives, but way too many negatives to love this team. Mind you there is a difference between loving the Skins as a fan, and respecting this team.

As far as I am concerned, they quit when they are behind and can't find ways to win close games. A lot of that falls on Jason's broad shoulders. Take the Tampa game as a example!

Enough said ...

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I love this team, but I'm a diehard homer. What else would you expect me to say? Look guys, here is the deal; I personally think that it's short sighted to be down on the Skins this season. Foremost above ALL team goals, this season represents JC's learning year as a starter. Therefore, the team is still a work in progress. Now that's the long view, & once again, I submit that your perspective on the team colors your judgement of this season. Please allow me to breifly elaborate my point.

For the Win NOW crowd:

This has indeed been a frustrating year! Seemingly, every game has been a dogfight(minus 2) to the final gun, even against the doormat teams. The Wins looked somewhat shaky, & the losses have been gut-wrenching! Not to mention a 1-3 division record highlighted by two caught-from-behind Home losses to division opponents (that should've already been KO'd in each contest), respectively. Also, after three very Winnable Road Games against division leaders, we're left in a stupor as 'the best 5-6 team in the Conference'. Hollow praise, indeed. An entire season of wasted opportunities--with more high-stakes contests yet to play.

For the "Joe's building Us a Super Bowl Contender" crowd:

Wow, what a year! Jason Campbell is the answer to our ardent prayers! To have played so well under the circumstances is extraordinary! Washington has fielded a highly competitive team featuring 1/2 of an Offensive Line(literally), 1/2 a Defensive Secondary(conspicuously missing our best Defensive Player) & revolving players at the Wideout Positions--including some players that have literally been plucked off of the street. That kind of team, sporting a young talent as it's starting Quarterback has had THREE division leading teams on the ropes late--on their own fields! Unfortunately, those games haven't been Won. But the cumulative effort to this point has the Team sitting at 5-6, squarely in the middle of this season's playoff picture. This Team has already served notice that it has designs on serious contention in the near future. And I suggest that the rest of the Conference has already taken notice.

Therefore to me, your position on the team (ie Win NOW or build a League Stalwart) largely defines your opinion of our Season. If you expected a playoff run this year, I can understand your dismay, although that goal can still be realisticly achieved. But if you measure success by an eventual Super Bowl appearance, this season provides plenty of reasons for optimism going forward. Anyhow, let the debates rage on!

That is a fantastic post.

If i didnt plan on being a Skins fan for a very long time, this team would be infuriating. But i see the promise, and it wears #17.

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