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"5 In a Row or We Don't Go" (Merged X2)


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The similarities between this year and 2005 are frightening.....

Open the season 3-1 - check

Blowout win - check

Blowout loss - check

3 game losing streak - check

Lose a close game in Tampa that should have been won - check

5-6 - check

This is true....BUT when you look for magic to happen it usually doesn't....last time we were homers thinking we could win 5 straight, after we got two of those....the team got confidence and we made it....miracles and magic happen when you aren't expecting it. Not to mention we had tie breakers over several clubs because we had a great conference record...this year not so much. I hope I'm wrong, but I just don't know.

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People can look at the schedule and the standings and have hope, but I honestly don't think they look at the games and see how the team is playing. Stupid mistake after stupid mistake. Everyone's hero, Portis, fumbles. Campbell throws 2 untimely interceptions (although i am very impressed with his progress). Moss just doesn't have it anymore. Unless they suddenly cut out the mistakes, we're not going anywhere.

All of a sudden, the race for the last wildcard just got big time crowded. It isn't just us and the Lions anymore. It's now Philly, NO, CHI, MIN, and Arizona joined the party and the Lions are still 1 game ahead. We're playing like crap, the Lions are playing like crap, and the other teams are playing decent.

Play hard and let the chips fall where they may. But don't get your hopes up.

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The Redskins lose 3 straight games and are now 5-6.

They went 2-5 after starting 3-1.

I'm not sure if 9-7 will get them to the playoffs.

They are 1-3 in their division with 2 division games left.

The Redskins could possibly win 4 of the next five games.

The Vikings and Giants game look doubtful.

The Cowboys will have HFA wrapped up by Dec 30 and will just give that game to the Redskins.

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I am pretty sure that 4-1 is possible. I am HOPING we can escape with a win somewhere and get all of them. Us fans deserve it. Freaking eh...11 games and only 2 weren't near heart attacks. Oh my...soooo dangerous!!

We will beat Dallas. I'm worried about the Giants and the Bears. We'll need a few breaks to go our way from here on out and if it's meant to be it's meant to be.

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Its simple. With 1 team at 6-5 and 6 teams at 5-6, one team is bound to have a hot streak and win most, if not all of its remaining games. We have to at least go 4-1 to make it.

Teams at 5-6 or 6-5

Streaking: New Orleans Saints (5-2 in last 7), Minnesota Vikings (3-1 last 4)

Playing Well: Philadelphia Eagles (3-2 last 5, gave Patriots a real game), Chicago Bears (winners of 2 of 3, loss by one td)

Treading Water: Arizona Cardinals (2-2 last four)

Going in the Wrong Direction: Washington Redskins (1-4 last 5, lost 3 straight, have been close though), Detroit Lions (6-5, losers of 3 straight)

This team needs to adopt a new motto: 5-0 or we dont go, OR 4-1 or we're done

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  • 4 weeks later...

I started this thread the day before Sean Taylor died. I read through the posts again tonight and I cried. I havent never been so proud of this team in my entire life. Super Bowls before I could appreciate them, underachieving seasons. No professional franchise has ever been what we have been through and now all I ever asked for this season is on the table...just let that dallass game mean something and it does.

If you are not proud to be a Redskins fan then join a chess club.

If you were a hater in this thread...then... I LOVE YOU. Who could have been as crazy as I am to believe we'd still have a shot??I was a nut case to think this pre ST tragedy and now here we sit. Possibly one of the best feelings I've ever had as I sit here in my #21 jersey. Best Christmas of my life already.

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