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Gibbs on the radio...

Larry Gude

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YOU said that Gibbs called a "horridly bad game". YOU did not qualify that by saying "in overtime". Did you mean that he called a "horridly bad game in overtime"? Since you did not explain why you thought his game calls were horrid I figured you were trying to say that we should not have run the ball so much in regulation.

I could try to respond also to your non-sequitur about "red zone campains" (you mean campaigns) but I think I'll cut my loses and stop trying to interpret your ramblings.


Sitting on the couch with my sister in law, she was correctly predicting almost every play Gibbs called as me and my brother and friends cracked up and fed her shots on every correct call. She knows very little about football, but even drunk novices have our game plan figured out. She quit the shots after 4 or 5, but still correctly called the remainder of the game.

We forget to send blockers for our screen passes, and just give up entirely on downfield passes after a drop or two. Like that will improve things. Some genious JG is nowadays. However, kicking the FG was the correct call call in that OT situation we were in, IMO. And if you have seen some of our games this year, you will remember sometimes we move backwards out of the red zone and don't even score.

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