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Anyone here that knows/works with Flash (specifically actionscript)?


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you can look online for some tutorials, my skills are rusty but you can try:

button_btn.onRelease = function()




this is assuming your button is called "button_btn" and you have a blank movie clip named "test_mc" and your swf is called "movie.swf

hope this helps

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Assuming the movie is inert until someone presses the button.. and assuming that you have the movie held at frame 1 waiting for the button to be pressed..

make a layer, and in the first frame put a keyframe. Highlight that keyframe and bring up the action script window and write


Highlight the button symbol, open the action script window, put in the following script

on (release) {gotoAndPlay(2);}

gotoandplay will move the movie to the frame number you put between the () .. I put in 2 for demo.. you put in whatever frame your content begins on.

If you don't want the movie to loop, go to the final frame, put a keyframe on an empty layer, highlight it, open action script and write


Or, let it loop back and it will stop at frame 1 again after loading the button up.

Simple as that.


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