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All of a sudden, everyone has written off the Rams. However, if they can draft a good OT, I think they will be back to their ways of 2-3 years ago. They still have most of the talent that they did back them. Not only that, but teams won't be gunning for them like they were last year. Other than OT, the other key will be what happens at QB. But weather they keep Warner or go with Bulger, they could still be dangerous. I'm wondering, do you think they could be a sleeper pick to be a strong team next year out of the NFC?

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Bulger seems like the way to go, but, for cap reasons, they can't unload Warner, even in a trade. In the interest of cap room, their best bet would be to deal Bulger (they could probably get a 1st rounder), but that might not be best for the immediate future of the team since Warner apparently throws like Chris Doering now.

They also have some issues in the secondary since Adam Archuleta isn't as good as they had hoped and Aeneas Williams is 1000 years old. And there there is the O-line which has some contract issues and some "they aren't very good" issues.

And what happened to Isaac Bruce? Clearly, they could put it all back together and go 14-2 next year...but if I had to bet on it, I see them missing the playoffs again.

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These numbers and odds will change drastically between now and the start of Camp. I just thought it was interesting with all of the talk about dismantling the Raiders that a Vegas Book would have them third behind Tampa and Philly. Makes you wonder if the Raiders may have a shot at keeping it together for one more year.

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Originally posted by redskin56

These numbers and odds will change drastically between now and the start of Camp. I just thought it was interesting with all of the talk about dismantling the Raiders that a Vegas Book would have them third behind Tampa and Philly. Makes you wonder if the Raiders may have a shot at keeping it together for one more year.

I doubt the Raiders will be able to do much. However, with all the talk about their old vets, they do also have some good young talent as well (Jerry Porter, Doug Jolley, etc.). Not to mention a ton of draft picks from the Gruden trade. They will probably be back in the running again in a few years when those guys start to come into their own. This is, of course, only if they draft smart. But the Raiders have done pretty well with that in the past.

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the 49ers could very well take a dip depending upon who they hire to replace Mariucci. I thought their 12-4 record in 2001 was just a little beyond their realistic talent level and that played itself out in 2002 as they were just 10-6.

the Rams could move up and take the division, but they have some key free agents such as Pace and Bruce to resign.

and there is some creeping age on this team. Warner is 32 and has been hurt the past couple of years. Faulk is going to be 31 and for a guy who lives on speed and quickness, might there be a decline going into season #9?

Bruce is 32 on the outside and there is age on the interior line as well.

the Rams have some good young players they have drafted.

whether they are ready to assume the mantle full-time is another question.

it will be interesting to see what NFL defenses do with Bulger when they see him that second time around.

I find it rather unlikely he is just going to come in and keep putting up those numbers week in and week out over the course of seasons.

A sophomore slump is a possibility.

One thing the Rams need to go is shut Kurt Warner's wife up :laugh:

When you have a player's wife calling into sports radio stations and taking shots at the coach and front office you know you have problems :D

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Yea, I can't help but wonder if Warner will be out next year. That will certainly be one of the interesting sub-plots of the upcoming offseason. I think they still have the talent to make a run this year. But I could also see some of those free agents slipping from through their fingers. They will definetly be a team to watch. But again, you look at the Bucs last year and you could have almost said the same thing about them. They backed into the playoffs with a wildcard slot and many thought they were done. Look at them now. In this day and age, who knows?

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I think you can count on Warner being back to original form-last year was just an off year with all of his hand injuries-the question is if he'll have the talent to throw to and protection.

I beleive the Raiders are probably looking at 5-11 next year-with the loss of many players, the first year their coach will find out how hard it is when you're starting the season with new people-and their division is getting tougher-KC, Jets San Diego(although Martyball-they'll be 8-8.

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