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Mexican Flag flown above U.S. Flag


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its funny that all of the "peaceful" people on this thread are the ones who are reducing themselves to name calling and pointing fingers.

like i said, it wasnt right. but it was the alternative i am sure to cutting that guy with the knife and going to jail.

Name Calling?

I described the behavior of the gentleman but I did not call anyone a name.

The fact is this guy chose an unlawful and unecessary path. He could have done the following to achieve the same result:

  • Talked to the people in the store to inform them of the error/violation
  • called the police

Despite your defense of this guy he was wrong and his actions were not justifiable under any circumstance. Maybe that is the kind of problem solving skills we should be teaching in school?

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Well he destroyed and stole someone elses property to start with which is against the law.

Their are many war veterans that are just as sentimental about our flag as this guy but they would have gone about handling this in a more civilized manner.

You do not have to act like a patriotic fruitcake in order to correct a mistake.

what is that?

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I agree, and if the guy refuses to correct his mistake, then pull out the knife and cut down the flag.

I can see that and I dont have such a big ego that I cant say that I am overly sensitive when it comes to my country. I feel like we are disrespected and made the joke the world round and when I see it in my own backyard it pisses me off.

I know from my standpoint that I couldnt have talked to the guy and had him disrespect me without punching him in the face. You can call me whatever you want but I am being honest. It would have been safer and caused less escalation if I just cut it down.

But it would have been ALOT better if that dude just learned the laws of the country and NOT did what he did. It just doesnt add up to me that he didnt know any better. And even IF he didnt know any better; ignorance is not an excuse. Dont fly the flag unless you know the laws. I know I didnt.

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I just can't understand why some people are so casual about dismissing insults to the flag and the country and almost seem as though they wear that disrespect with pride, as some kind of warped badge of honor.

Not directed at anyone in particular, just a general observation. I am trying diligently to teach my son that there are things deserving of allegiance or respect or those other antiquated notions that seem to have been cast off by so many. I am gratified to see others mention that they feel and do the same.

And I have stopped and said something more than once to people I have seen flying the flag improperly, or leaving it out, or maybe the worst, the ones that hang one and leave it until it is sun-bleached and ragged.

I have fought in 3 wars and have the utmost respect for the American Flag. What I respect even more than the symbol is the way of life and the values I learned here.

I was taught to make people aware of a problem in a peaceful attempt to solve it before taking action that could possibly make the situation worse.

No one is dismissing the mistake made but this particular situation could have been handled by that guy going into the store and informing the people of their mistake. If the people were reluctant to rectify the problem then he could have called the authorities.

We do have laws in this country and we have police that enforce them. What this guy did was wrong. The fact that people are defending this guy is a little more scary than what he did.

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We do have laws in this country and we have police that enforce those laws. While I can understand the guy's feelings, his actions were dead @ss wrong. What would happen if every citizen decided they could take the law into their own hands?

it would be total anarchy and chaos at first, but i believe if you knew that i had a gun in my house or on my person at all times, you wouldnt be so quick to start any **** or break in and take what isnt yours. and i would be the same way about you.

you and i being broad uses of the words. not us specifically..

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Wow..so much for freedom of speech. How would you like to cut up the first amendment of the Constitution while you're at it. :doh:

I didn't say he couldn't fly his flag. He CAN'T however fly it ABOVE the American flag. It is illegal, as has been mentioned over & over again. How is what he did freedom of speech? It's not.

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