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sellers instead of betts


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CP not being in the game may have had something to do with the fact that he blew in the previous two possessions. He dropped a pass on third down, in which he had a very legitimate chance at getting the first down and keeping the drive alive. Then on the next play he fumbled on the first play of the drive.

But even after those two bad series i still would have had Portis in the game. Its easier to say that after the fact. If they had run that same play on 4th down... Portis would have gotten in... and not tripped.

And I don't think that they should have given sellers the ball. Sellers looks great coming out of the flats as he carries a cb on his back for 4 yards, but I don't have a lot of faith on this acceleration to use him in that situation. I agree with what Ditka said... the skins should have spread the giants out and avoided the jumbo package...

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Yes...Sellers definitely should have got the ball on the goal line. Hopefully now the coaching staff will see that Betts should be utilized in goal line situations.

I like him out in the open field and as a back up to Portis...but with the damn game on the line come on now. Stubborn coach put Portis in the game!

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This is what pisses me off most about the way we lost that game. If you're a Giant defender trying to keep us out of the endzone in that situation, who would you rather go up against? A 225 lb sweeping RB, or a 280 lb FB shoved down your throat? Personally, regardless of the situation, I wouldn't want anything to do with having to tackle Mike Sellers.


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Were you guys watching the same game? It looked like Portis was hurting from something. That is why he was standing on the sideline. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
Carter was getting air too when he sacked Eli. All players get air. Its just so they can catch their breath alot easier than some1 like us would.

Portis didnt come in because they didnt have enough time to get him into the game.

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Yes. And you are right. A 300 lb. man up the gut at the 1 has to get in.

But the playcalling was poor, IMO. Spiking the ball with plenty of time for the reason of getting your Jumbo package in, and allowing the Giants to get their Jumbo defense in, was a bad decision. It gave them a breather, instead of slamming it in on a winded defense. No excuse for it. Especially not at home. Especially not with this coaching staff. But we're the Redskins, and we've come to expect these types of things. (Like three straight penalities last week in Philly before Coach Andy decided to feel sorry for us and call a time out and give us a shot at a TD). It's hard to watch. :2cents:

I agree with this. 1st and goal on the 1, Giants still have their regular package in, you set up, snap the ball, get in with a QB sneak and you got 6 + 1. I think we would of won in OT.

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