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FunNGun03 wins by forfeit


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I gave the game to FNG, after he got the ball first, ran no huddle every play, even went for it on 4th and 2 on my 12 yard line. Sorry guys, I wanted to play a straight up game, not some unrealistic version of someone's fantasy football. I've said all along that I didn't want to deal with that CRAP. :doh:

Anybody want to play a regular game, no BS, let me know. Until then, good luck with the tourney, may the cheesiest player win! :rolleyes:

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Dude. Next time someone pulls the no huddle, have your D audibles memorized. Make sure you have a Blitz, Man Lock (corners follow recievers in motion) and Zone D for your primary set and a LB blitz plus a Man Lock dime package for your other two plays.

I have a buddy that tries that crap all the time and he hasn't beat me in 20 something games.:laugh:

As for the 4th and 2, well you just have to stop him. :cool:

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To me that style of play (no huddle all game) is no fun, only running with your audibles sure cuts down your options. I like to gameplan, use a bunch of different formations and sets, use clock management, etc. etc. It makes for a much more intriguing match-up compared to a shoot-out with a score every other play.

I feel bad for quitting on FNG, he is a good player and I would like to play him without the no-huddle BS, but that unfortunately is what he likes to play. I will stick to playing with close friends and others online who I know play a "standard" NFL-style game.

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it was 4th and less then 1 yard not 2 yards that is why I went for it. If it had been 2 yards I would have kicked field goal.

Also I promised I would do no more no huddle after that first drive.

You also failed to mention that on your only drive you went all no huddle getting stuffed or sacked on first, second, and third down and then went for it on 4th and 19 on your own 20. Its so easy to defend no huddle like I told you on my drive set your d audibles.

I then immediatley threw a td to keyshawn going up 14 points and you just got pissed.

Im sorry its just a game Im just better at it I would have beat you by 50 points but dont get so upset its a VIDEO GAME!! I could have thrown for about 600 yards also that isnt realistic but its not my fault I can march up and down the field what should I do purposely throw poor passes. I was running the ball too.

I dont know what else I could have done, I promised after that first drive to do no more no huddle you quit anyway.

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I will stick to playing with close friends and others online who I know play a "standard" NFL-style game.

Sorry, I never heard of a "standard" NFL game. What is that anyway? :laugh: Sounds to me like you got your @ss whooped.:rotflmao:

Man I'm truely pissed. I want to join in the fun so bad it's killing me but my damn XBox has no live Madden. I may have to buy a used PS2 just for football.:hammer: Next mont maybe, too many damn bills right now.:evil:

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I dont know what to say. I like to start games with a wide open offense, sometimes I go no huddle if I like the match ups I see, sometimes I will huddle up, but I throw alot early using the pass to set up the run. How is this cheating?????? I guess coaches like Spurrier and Martz are just cheaters and playing non-standard football Im not sure why the nfl is allowing that.:laugh:

Also you can set 6 offensive audibles, and with each play at the line of scrimmage you can then change any receiver to run a different route than he is supposed to so Riggo its not cutting down on your options by not huddling. You can hot route to ins, outs, flys, comebacks, and slants and you still have the orginal route so that means you have 6 options for each receiver at the line of scrimmage. You can also hot route any receiver to stay in and block either side of the offensive line so its really 8 options for each receiver that you can make at the line. Since I try to spread things out sending at least 4 players into patters I then have 6*4 or 24 patterns I can call at the line of scrimmage and I also hot route receivers to block so how was I cutting down my options by going no huddle Riggo????????

Also I do use clock management and slow things down but I like to get a lead first.

I should know from your name Riggo you probably like ground it out smash mouth games but that just isnt my style hence my madden online name of Spurrier and extremeskins name fun n gun.

Maybe you should find a new team to support other than the Redskins because they have this new coach name steve spurrier and he kind of likes to throw the ball. You probably had a mental breakdown when Marty ball left the skins last year you probably loved that marty ball crap but im from kansas city I had to watch that idiot for 10 years. Run Run Pass Punt Marty Ball!!!!!!

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What I am saying, and what I have said from the get-go, and what I said to you, FNG, from the very first play last night, is that I do not want to play that no huddle crap. FNG, you said that you would stop, yet you continued. That is why I stopped playing you.

MadMike, watch the game this weekend and tell me if Tampa runs no huddle from the very first play. I can understand if you are down by a couple of TDs, or if there is only a minute left in the game, but no huddle all the time to me is CHEESE plain and simple. I have no desire to play that junk, more power to you if you think that makes your game better. Anytime you want to play me STRAIGHT UP, no no huddle, no BS substitutions, no onsides kicks, I'll be glad to play. If you want to do that "XFL" style of play, then find someone else. Good luck in the tourney, I'm sure you'll do well with your no huddle tactics.

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riggo, teams use no huddle frequently to change the pace of the game in their favor. the 9ers did it to the giants. spurrier did it a couple of times this year. it happens in the NFL, which is why it's in the game. do most teams do it from the beginning of the game? no, but it is allowed and it's called being aggressive. teams also go for 4 and shorts all the time, so stop complaining about that too. if it was 4 and 7 that's one thing, but 4 and 2 is another matter

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And yes, teams have been known to start a game no-huddle to get the opposing D off ballance.

Sorry Riggo but I think it is just childish to demand others play the game *your way*. If you want to stop him from using the no huddle, stop him on the field. If you want to stop him from going for it on fourth down, stop him on the field.

Personally, I don't use the no huddle. I prefer to just keep an up-tempo pace and choose my plays quickly. But I doubt you would want to play me anyway, I throw a lot of deep balls with runs mixed in to keep opponents off ballance and score on almost every posession. :laugh:

Hmmmm. I have some freinds with PS2s, maybe I can work a trade for a week so I can whoop some @ss here and prove I am the greatest of all time. :high:

BTW have you heard that there is an anual tourny for Madden players? They went to about ten citys and are taking the best to a championship in Jamaca.


I plan on entering next year and winning it all!:asta:

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If you want to do that "XFL" style of play, then find someone else. Good luck in the tourney, I'm sure you'll do well with your no huddle tactics.

Negative... I can stop that bologna. I'm with RiggoRanger i Hate playing no huddlers all game, and it's no fun at all. However all you got to do is set your audibles (6 i think) and you will be prefectly fine. Now, if you are just gonna no huddle me and use the same 3 plays...its lame, but I guess one just has to adjust.

Even in our game DieHard started the first drive with no huddles, and scored a TD. I adjusted and that was the last TD he got in the game I, had to slow the game down because I did not want to get outta my game. So basically.... I played my game of run and pass and when you do that you sorta throw the other player outta their game, b/c they havent had the ball for a bit. I wont playing FunNGun as long as he doesnt do any foolish subs as he did last time.

As for the 4th and goal thing. I would have kicked the 3pts, but I do see why someone would go for it. If you miss, and then hold the opp to a 3 and out, you still get the ball in fg range, so I guess this is not a real bad tactic. I wouldnt do it myself, but I can see why someone WOULD do it.

Anyhow, RiggoRanger if you want to ball let me know!

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Look, you guys like playing that way, I don't. No big deal, I said from the start that I didn't want to play if it was going to be a cheesefest. So from now on I know to steer clear from joining any tourneys.

FNG, you were winning, but without the no huddle, it would've been a different game. I understand your tactics, but I was looking for more of a realistic type game. It's not much fun playing the same 2 or 3 plays or formations all game, it becomes a shoot-out. I prefer more of a chess game type of game, sorry if that wasn't clear to you before we started to play, but I would've never played you if I had known you wanted to run no huddle all game. I feel bad for not finsihing the game, but I'm not into that type of play. No hard feelings and good luck the rest of the way, I have a feeling the other guys play the same style as you.

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