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Jets Game - Meadowlands


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We've had season tickets in the family since 1937 when the 'skins came to town. However, we've never been to the Meadowlands for a game. This year I have to be in New York the weekend the 'skins play the Jets (Nov 4) and was wondering if the Jet fans are like the nasty folks in Philly or more civil. Any feedback is appreciated as road game are normally a blast!


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if i were going to visit an opposing teams house i would wear my jersey, sit in my seat, and clap quietly to myself when we did something good.

with this behavior i wouldnt plan on getting **** on anywhere, even a philly game.. perhaps thats stretching it, but i think the only time ANY fan would give you **** aside from a gentle heckling is if you were loud, drunk, obnoxious, stood up and cheered for the visiting team, etc.

i certainly wouldnt give an opposin team fan more than a slight jab or two with a smile as long as they were respectful and realized this was the redskins house.

maybe im wrong..

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Went to a game in Arizona in 2004 and the house was about 40% 'skin fans and it seemed almost like RFK! Even went to Seattle for the 2005 Playoff game and the fans there were decent although bigtime LOUD. I just don't want to get verbal abuse for 3 straight hours in the Meadowlands especially since their team is looking pretty lame.

Go skins!!!

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