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Who wanted to gain weight ?


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Quite a while ago, there was a thread about losing weight, and one particular guy responded who was desperately wanting to know how to gain weight. At the time, I had the perfect method but it was all boxed up from moving. I just uncovered the "recipe" from my boxes, but I cant remember the guy's name. Whoever you are, I have an excellent proven diet that worked wonders for me when I was training to play semi-pro-football. Just give me a shout

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Originally posted by TheWarpath

Lots of beer always helps


Warpath, this has nothing to do with my diet, but I think you'd appreciate this article which just came out today :


By JANET McCONNAUGHEY, Associated Press Writer

Study: Frequent Drinking Reduces Heart Attack Risk

As little as half an alcoholic drink a day can reduce the risk of heart attacks, whether the beverage of choice is beer, red wine, white wine or liquor, new research shows.

Scientists have known that drinking can prevent heart attacks, but the study suggests that how often you imbibe is a lot more important than what or how much.

Whether you drink with your meal or at some other time also appears irrelevant.

"It was a surprise that — almost regardless of other factors associated with drinking — frequency of use seemed to be what reduced the subsequent risk of a heart attack," said Dr. Kenneth Mukamal of Harvard University Medical School, who led the study.

Those who drank at least three days a week had about one-third fewer heart attacks than did nondrinkers. And it made almost no difference whether the drinking consisted of half a drink or four. Those who imbibed only once or twice a week had only a 16 percent lower risk of a heart attack.

Some studies have indicated that alcohol raises the level of "good" cholesterol and also thins the blood, warding off the clots that cause heart attacks. But alcohol breaks down fairly rapidly in the body and its effects on red blood cells are short-lived, according to Mukamal.

Mukamal speculated that regular, moderate drinking is beneficial because it helps keep the blood thinned.

"We think it may be much like people who take aspirin every day or every other day. A little bit of alcohol on a regular basis helps keep the platelets from becoming sticky and prevents heart attacks," he said.

He noted that other studies have found that people with a gene that keeps alcohol longer in their system seem to benefit the most from moderate drinking. "That helps reinforce the notion that maintaining a low level of exposure is the way to go," he said.

The study was published in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine (news - web sites).

Mukamal and other doctors emphasized that the study applies only to moderate drinkers. The dangers of heavy drinking are well-established and include alcoholism, drunken driving, and damage to the liver and brain. Studies have also found that women who have two or more drinks a day are 41 percent more likely to develop breast cancer (news - web sites) than women who do not drink.

"I don't think any doctor would advise a patient to start drinking to prevent heart disease," said Dr. Gary Francis, director of the coronary intensive care unit at the Cleveland Clinic.

"We all, both the media and physicians who see patients, need to be careful that this isn't construed as a license to drink heavily. Certainly we don't want to exchange one public health problem for another."

Mukamal and every other doctor interviewed for comment emphasized that people should talk to their physicians about drinking.

Doctors have long believed that red wine explains the so-called French Paradox — the fact that the French have fewer heart attacks than Americans even though their food is richer. But the new study adds to the evidence that it is the alcohol itself, and not something found only in red wine, such as red pigment, that is good for the heart.

Mukamal analyzed data from Harvard's long-term Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, which involved 51,529 male health professionals — doctors, osteopaths, dentists, optometrists, podiatrists and veterinarians. He looked at 38,077 of them, eliminating people who had stopped drinking within the previous 10 years and those with histories of cancer and diseases of the heart or blood vessels. The study is funded by the National Institutes of Health (news - web sites).

Dr. Lynn Smaha, a cardiologist in Sayre, Pa., and a past president of the American Heart Association (news - web sites), said the study leaves some important questions unanswered. Among them: whether it would apply to a wider group than health professionals, who may take better care of themselves than the average drinker.

Smaha also noted that the overall rate of heart attacks — 1,418 cases out of 38,000 people — was very low, for reasons that were not clear

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Hmmm found major surgery is a good way to lose weight too. Like a ruptured spleen... :silly: Mick... and this is a genuine request. I'd like to see the program you used. Been a trainer, coached bodybuilders, and lifted for a loooooooong time. Would like to know about learning something new. ( In the weight gain or loss world, there is always something new to learn). Oh... and here is the thread that you were talking about....... I think. ..



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Good work, Park City. Thats exactly the thread I was talking about, which I obviously couldnt locate on my own. And I see the the poster who I was referring to was "SilentSkin". Havnt seen him in a while, so I guess he is living up to his name. I'll post the diet momentarily.

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Here goes. The good news is that this diet works, and it’s very tasty as well. The bad news, and this is the only downside, is that it takes a lot of work, as in time and preparation, since it involves extra meals. The idea is, instead of eating 3 big meals a day, you eat 6 medium sized meals (once every 2 ½ hours – the body recovers properly this way), that are high in protein, whole grains, and carbs. I followed this thing religiously, because I heard that college football trainers used it also, and I put on about 20 pounds within a couple of weeks. And it was muscle, not fat. I know this because, even after gaining this weight, I still recorded one of the 5 fastest times on my semi-pro football team.

Meal #1 - 8am– Early-morning Meal

Protein Shake consisting of :

10 oz Pineapple Juice

2 tablespoons low-fat plain yogurt

1 tablespoon wheat germ

2 egg whites

1 banana

2 scoops vanilla ice cream

1 large scoop skim milk powder

Meal #2 - 10:30am- Mid-morning Meal

2 hard boiled eggs

1 whole grain muffin

2 oz low fat cheddar cheese

1 glass real fruit juice

Meal #3 –1pm – Lunch

1 bowl vegetable soup

1 meat or cheese sandwich

1 whole grain muffin

1 glass skim milk

Meal #4 - 4pm – Mid-afternoon “Pre-Workout” Meal

1 7 oz can water-packed tuna

1 hard-boiled egg

2 slices whole-grain bread or 1 whole grain muffin

1 glass skim milk

Meal #5 - 7:30 - Dinner

Steak or Chicken Dinner

1 8 oz. Steak

1-2 baked potatoes

1 serving vegetables

1 small salad

glass of skim milk

Meal #6 - 10-10:30pm– Evening Meal

Protein shake (same as morning) 1 hour before bed

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This might be a lot to ask for... but maybe you can tell me:

What was the overall ratio or percent of PROTIEN, CARBS, and FATS in this diet compared to the overall calories. Then if its possible can you tell me the amount of carbs/proteins/fats percent or grams that were found in each of those meals A-F?

Thx... I just dont want to rush into things, and make sure that not any BIG mistakes are made.

I have a whole box of MYOPLEX (about 42)... VERY high inprotein, and evena huge jug of WHEY protein. I just want to make sure I plan everything. Right now I weight about 128 and I'm 5'10. I sure hope I can gain some weight this yr :pint:

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Dont worry about the cholesterol. All the eggs are either : egg whites, as opposed to yolks - or they're boiled eggs, as opposed to fried. So the cholesterol is highly minimized.

The total calories in this diet are 5500, and the protein amount is 250-275 grams.

I went from about 165 to 190 in a few weeks.

As far as the ratios and amounts per meal, I dont have that, but I'll look

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yeah.. you see.. if I ate 5500 calories of food while weighing only 128.. I would get FAT in a heartbeat. For every 3500calories of food eaten in excess... one pound of fat is made. So I need the percetanges so that I can have the same plan.. just in a lower amount of calories...about 3000-3500 calories. Thx for all the help!

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I think Mick left out that he was probably doing some cardio and some heavy, intense weight training as well.

Without these two components added to the diet, the weight you gain would be fat, and not lean muscle mass.

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Originally posted by SilentSkin

yeah.. you see.. if I ate 5500 calories of food while weighing only 128.. I would get FAT in a heartbeat. For every 3500calories of food eaten in excess... one pound of fat is made. So I need the percetanges so that I can have the same plan.. just in a lower amount of calories...about 3000-3500 calories. Thx for all the help!

That all depends on a few things things - the types of calories and the types of carbs. This diet may be high in calories, but its low in fat and its high in quality carbs (whole grains, fruits and veggies and meat protein). Also, and more obviously, it depends on the type of workout/exercise regimen that you're supplementing the diet with. But if it concerns you that much, then knock out the 2nd protein shake at the end of the day or work your way up to the 6 meals gradually.

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