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OT - Great Movie


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Went to see the new Jack Nicholson flick, About Schmidt, several days ago and I've been thinking about it ever since.

Simply a perfect movie with an absolutely mesmerizing performance by Jack, perhaps his best ever. Kathy Bates is terrific as well in a supporting role.

For those who have bemoaned the lack of movies for adults, run don't walk to see this one but prepare yourself for an emotional rollercoaster ride!

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Just Skins Baby, I saw "Catch me if You Can" with my wife and son.

The critics gave this movie mixed reviews but we all felt pretty much the same about it. It wasn't bad but certainly wasn't as good as we thought it would be. Maybe a 6 out of 10.

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Just Skins Baby, I hate for you not to see this movie based on our judgment. You know, we had really high expectations for this movie. Spielberg directed it and as you say, when has Tom Hanks disapppointed?

I think maybe if you go to see it not expecting a dynamite film and just enjoy it for sort of a light hearted little movie, its worth seeing.

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I thought 'Catch me if you can' was very entertaining. I really enjoyed it and would definitely recommend it.

Christopher Walken gave a good performance, as for Leo, say what you want about him--I think he's a good actor. I also recommend 'The basketball diaries', good movie of his.

I think Leo, much like Brad Pitt, don't get the credit for being good actors because the media is so hung up on their looks.

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Now that I've told everyone here how great "About Schmidt" is, let me tell you a little more about it.

This flick is very difficult to categorize. The best I can do is to say that it is a melancholy comedy. There are some very tough real life issues portrayed in this movie. Some may characterize those issues (aging, death, dysfunctional relationships) as disturbing or depressing or even inappropriate topics for the movies.

For certain, "About Schmidt" is thought provoking, at times shocking and sad and at others side splittingly funny. Be prepared for an emotional experience if you choose to see this great film.

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I took my mom to see Scmidt largely on what you said B & G. She absolutely loved it. She was laughing so hard she was almost crying and then there were time where she actually was crying. It was definitely a good movie. I could kill you for not warning me about Kathy Bates' jacuzzi scene though.:laugh: :puke:

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Yeah...wow. Anyway, great movie...definitely worth a look. Nicholson was awesome in this movie. Hardly recognizable as Jack. Hell of an acting job. It was really odd seeing him paired up with "Helen". Even mentioned to my mom that the real Jack wouldn't be caught dead with a woman like that. Oscar material.

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