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a heads up to season ticket holders


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if you dont already know, your seats can change without any notice prior to mailing of the tickets. evidently if you like where your seats are you have to make damn sure they know it and that you do not want to ever be moved.

now, I think they will only move you further down and not move you up without notice. So if you like your top of the world seats and dont want to be squeezed into the masses, get on the horn and tell them cause they will appearently on a whim move you a couple rows down and away from the aisle without your consent or knowledge.

happend to us and it sucks, our tickets showed up with a row a few rows lower and a few more seats away from the aisle. now I know it sounds weird that Im ranting about being moved closer to the field, but we are talking only a couple rows. anyone that sits on top of the world knows that the last row is way better than a couple rows ahead of it. I guess in about 100 years of row creep our tickets might get moved to the front row, but Im a me person screw who ever has those tickets next century.

we plead our case to the ticket people, and they said once the tickets went out(how they notified us of the change) theres nothing that can be done. Im hoping that next season we can get our seats back, there doesnt seem to be anything that can be done now.

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Sitting on the end kinda sucks. You have to have someone walk in front of you every two minutes. And your hike isnt as high. You should have noticed on your invoice as well. I have season tickets and do not feel that bad for you. Its not the end of the world, next year they might move you down and put you on the ailse.

Youll be ok!! You have tickets!!

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the key is to touch base with your rep every year and let them know that you want to stay or ask them what's available if you're unhappy. As long as you call the office and talk to your rep, you shouldn't have issues. We contact ours every off season, and haven't had an issue. :2cents:

Ticket office employees aren't mind readers my friend. If you didn't want to move you should have tried calling them perhaps.

Or I could've been a dick and put it this way :laugh:

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Sitting on the end kinda sucks. You have to have someone walk in front of you every two minutes. And your hike isnt as high. You should have noticed on your invoice as well. I have season tickets and do not feel that bad for you. Its not the end of the world, next year they might move you down and put you on the ailse.

Youll be ok!! You have tickets!!

ya I know, and I wasnt really searching for sympathy was just venting.

the key is to touch base with your rep every year and let them know that you want to stay or ask them what's available if you're unhappy. As long as you call the office and talk to your rep, you shouldn't have issues. We contact ours every off season, and haven't had an issue.

thats what we should have been doing, and will be doing from now on. thats good advice to season ticket holders.

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the key is to touch base with your rep every year and let them know that you want to stay or ask them what's available if you're unhappy. As long as you call the office and talk to your rep, you shouldn't have issues. We contact ours every off season, and haven't had an issue. :2cents:

Or I could've been a dick and put it this way :laugh:

Yea, I heard some people "automatically" got moved towards the 50 yard line as well. Since, I like being in the endzone I call the ticket office every year and tell them NOT to move me out of the end zone.

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the key is to touch base with your rep every year and let them know that you want to stay or ask them what's available if you're unhappy. As long as you call the office and talk to your rep, you shouldn't have issues. We contact ours every off season, and haven't had an issue. :2cents:


do you have a specific rep?

I just get whomever I get when I call, I haven't had a problem with the ticket office as well but it is good to call them.

I got moved from 404 to 403 and moved down 14 rows by calling after my first year.

I'm hoping to move a couple rows down 403 next year and hopefully by calling them it may happen.

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straight from the website:

Account Holders who pay the full amount of their invoice by the due date are eligible for seat improvement. Seats will automatically be upgraded. Improvement includes movement down to lower rows and/or movement towards the 50 yard line

You have to let them know if you don't want to move, but people have to understand that most likely a move will be a couple rows at a time and you have to work your way down.

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This is only the 4th year I have owned tickets and have been in section 447 for the entire time. I've tried to move closer to the 50 yard line, but haven't been able to. However I did move from row 28 to row 15 (this increased my ticket price) to row 14 and to row 11 this year.

It has been interesting, because we have moved with the same people that sit to my right.

Does anyone know how I could move sections?

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