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Pukes: Camp near, but fans shouldn't get their hopes up


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These articles discussing the likely demise of the pukes this season are becoming easier and easier to find...especially in Texas publications :laugh:

Summertime blues may extend into fall


05:16 PM CDT on Saturday, July 21, 2007

Endless Summer was a movie about surfing, but it could have described the plight of Dallas sports fans waiting for the Cowboys to open training camp.

After all, the Stars' season ended April 23. Shockingly, the Mavericks' season was wiped out May 3. And by then, the Texas Rangers were 9-19, confirming their long-standing inability to fill the summer sports void.

Finally, the Cowboys get down to business in San Antonio this week. And yet I have the sneaking suspicion that this team, too, is setting up its fans for a disappointing fall.

Jerry Jones, now the only man to own the Cowboys through 10 straight fruitless postseasons, was forced to replace Bill Parcells after the 2006 season. So he hired Wade Phillips ... whose career playoff record as a head coach is 0-3.

Even if the Cowboys haven't always gotten better each off-season, they always seemed to be getting bigger in terms of a story. This isn't the case in 2007.

That's in part due to the false hope that Parcells' presence created. A year ago we were heading into Year 4, which was a Super Bowl year for Parcells' Giants and a Super Bowl year for Parcells' Patriots.

The Cowboys were a trendy Super Bowl pick a year ago.

I don't see that so much this year.

Phillips' arrival was not viewed as the major upgrade that Parcells represented over Dave Campo.

And the big-money off-season acquisition was ... a guard?

In addition to a new head coach, the Cowboys have inexperience at both coordinator spots. Brian Stewart was the Chargers' secondary coach last season. Jason Garrett was the Dolphins' quarterback coach a year ago.

Stewart may have the tougher job.

The only starting lineup change on defense figures to be safety Ken Hamlin, the free agent from Seattle. This was a defense that had only one pressure player (DeMarcus Ware) a year ago, and that hasn't changed.

The offense was actually very good last year, scoring more points than in any season since the 1995 Super Bowl team. But while Tony Sparano is still here, most of the other coaches are gone.

Will the system that Garrett and the other assistants are creating enhance Tony Romo sits to pee's growth as a solid NFL quarterback or will it be slowed? We don't know that, but it's easy to foresee some struggles in a new offense.

The big question is how the team will be affected by the absence of the Parcells persona. His presence hung over every aspect of the franchise and not necessarily in a good way all the time. But there was little question about accountability.

Phillips is pretty certain that he won't let the inmates run the asylum at Valley Ranch, but he has to prove it.

The funny thing about Phillips is that while he is viewed as defensive-oriented, as a head coach his offenses were more consistently productive. And his record is better than the average fan probably thinks.

Phillips' career regular season win percentage as a head coach is .552. Parcells' percentage is .569.

That means about every four years, Parcells' teams pick up an extra win over Phillips' teams.

The problem, of course, is that Jones hired Phillips to improve on Parcells' 9-7 record, not go the other direction.

In the NFC East where the Philadelphia Eagles appear to be the best team by a very small margin, improvement is within the Cowboys' grasp.

They are trying to do it with minimal change on the roster and substantial change on the coaching staff.

If Parcells' stubbornness was holding this team back, then that has a real chance to work.

If the flaws run deeper and this team turns out to have fairly average offensive and defensive lines, then this week's start to training camp may have less to do with the end of a long local victory drought than Cowboys fans would like to think.

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The funny thing about Phillips is that while he is viewed as defensive-oriented, as a head coach his offenses were more consistently productive. And his record is better than the average fan probably thinks.


This is something cowboys fans have been saying around here, yet it has been falling on deaf ears.

Thanks for finding it for us and confirming tr1. You're a pal.:notworthy

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This is something cowboys fans have been saying around here, yet it has been falling on deaf ears.

Thanks for finding it for us and confirming tr1. You're a pal.:notworthy

He's also never won a playoff game. But neither have any of your other 4 head coaches over the past 10 seasons, so it can't get any worse. :2cents:

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This is something cowboys fans have been saying around here, yet it has been falling on deaf ears.

Thanks for finding it for us and confirming tr1. You're a pal.:notworthy

And what Skins fans have been saying and what you've been ignoring is that Wade will have NOTHING to do with the offense...Jerrah has made sure of that by bringing in Garrett and keeping Sparano.

Either you're intentionally being thick headed or you're simply failing to comprehend a simple thought... :doh:

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God help me. The pukes arrived yesterday and had a meet the players and coaches celebration at the alamodome. The los lonely boys had a concert as well. I hope they hurry and get the heck out of here. **** pukes!

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And yet I have the sneaking suspicion that this team, too, is setting up its fans for a disappointing fall.

I have this same suspicion. In the years where Parcells were coach, I was a little worried; i've always respected him as a coach. I thought they were going to go deep into the playoffs last year, with all that media hype that surrounded them.

I just don't see the loss of Parcells and the addition of a brand new coaching staff taking this team very far - maybe in a year or two if they're patient.

To be honest, I havn't been this optimistic in facing a Dallas Cowboys team in a very very long time; I think we'll sweep them this year.

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