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What is the best weakness to use in a job interview?


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I was asked this once in an interview and I said "perfectionist" which is the furthest from the truth. Now, I'd say something like "Speeking in front of a lot people I don't know. I'm getting much better though." It's hard to bs your way through the "perfectionist" answer.

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In all job interviews since I was a teenager and I have never been turned down I have used the same response. And that is that I am not a fast worker. Although I quickly follow up by saying that because I like to be completely thorough in everything I do I just don't finish tasks as fast as I would like.

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Here's some ones you don't want to use:

I have a tendancy to sleep with the boss' daughter/son (if you're in to that kind of thing :paranoid: )

I masturbate A LOT at work

I like to do my own thing

I cannot contain my hatred of hippies/corporate business suits (pick one)

I'm afraid of metal

I drink a lot of liquids but never use the restroom when I need to go

I do not know how to tie a tie.... this one is a clip on

I blow all my money on prositutes and whores (there is a difference, you have to buy the whore dinner)

I cannot kill the Decepticons

I liked Speakerboxx better than The Love Below

I do not consider Y a vowel

I like to super glue and duct tape things

I secretly discharge fire extinguishers and fill them with whipped cream

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I also think it is a good idea to work a strength into your answer with these type of questions. The "perfectionist" response is isn't too bad or horribly trite and better than giving a blank stare to the interviewer. I always would say something such as "I have to make sure I am just happy with the end result and just move on to the next task," or some such response.

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