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New Japanese Throwing Motion


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I don't think you could do that in the major league with the balk rule and the underhand release rule.

I thought you were talking about the release where the pitcher releases the ball down at his ankles and throws up at the batters box that was prevelent in the last olympics.

I haven't seen that in the majors eather, but it seems to be the latest rage in international play.

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I don't think you could do that in the major league with the balk rule and the underhand release rule.

I thought you were talking about the release where the pitcher releases the ball down at his ankles and throws up at the batters box that was prevelent in the last olympics.

I haven't seen that in the majors eather, but it seems to be the latest rage in international play.

Yea this was more of a joke then an actual delivery motion taught in Japan. There is no way you could get away with that more than once in a game if the hitter knows its coming.

Your talking about the Japanese submarine pitcher from the '06 World Baseball Classic right? That guy was insane especially when you see the video of him allegedly throwing the gyro ball submarine, it looked absolutely unhittable thrown after a fastball.

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