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Photoshop Favor?


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So I'm using this picture as an album cover:


Is there any way you photoshop geniuses out there could somehow replace "The Citadel" on my sweatshirt with "Something Over Scotland"? I've tried, but my photoshop skills are weak and girly. I can't make it look anything close to real. If anybody could take a stab at it, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

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It's not the best job possible, but I did clean up some of the static while I was at it. I hate to say this, but the cover really isn't very good. The fire seems out of place and unnecessary and the guys in the back get very little attention due to the distraction of the fire. When I look at it I am drawn to the guy in the front and distracted by the fire. It's just my opinion, but I would consider redoing it.

P.S. The guy on the right looks exactly like a friend of mine at my school.


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I kid.......

Really funny, ya jokester.

Just another idea.. if you did not have a logo already..



That's awesome! You, sir, are getting credited with our new logo.

It's not the best job possible, but I did clean up some of the static while I was at it. I hate to say this, but the cover really isn't very good. The fire seems out of place and unnecessary and the guys in the back get very little attention due to the distraction of the fire. When I look at it I am drawn to the guy in the front and distracted by the fire. It's just my opinion, but I would consider redoing it.

If that means that you're constantly being drawn to the band name on the sweatshirt, that's good news for me. I see what you're saying, but really we're just trying to get this around to some friends, who will give it to their friends, etc. Getting the name out is the most important, and if you really do keep getting drawn to that, it's the best thing we could hope for.

I agree that the fire effect is a bit much. If that is a seperate layer, you may want to reduce its opacity a little bit.

It's not actually fire...it was taken at Luray Caverns, and it's a double exposure, or something. It was taken with a digital, so I'm not sure exactly how you can get a double exposure, but that's how it came out. If you look closely above the guy in the middle, you can see the "ghost" of the other shot. I seriously have no idea how it happened.

Seriously, thanks guys. I never would have been able to do this on my own. All except one of these will probably end up going on the cds (I'm looking at you, TorresA...:silly: ). If anybody wants real-name credit for anything we use these on, just shoot me a PM.

Happy 4th of July! Go to the Atlantic and yell really loud! Kick a limey in the shins!

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