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Who will replace David Patten as 4th receiver?


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Espy, I hope...but you always know James Thrash will be in the mix because Gibbs loves him so much for some reason. I will never understand that...I mean sure he's a super-smart teams guy but he gots no skills at WR...

By "no skills" do you mean all those balls he caught when the catch had to be made were...

No, he is not a glamorous fantasy player or has the fastest 40 time...but when you throw the ball his way in a crunch he makes the catch! I would take reliability over flash any day. Watch the tape...tape doesn't lie. We need some blue collar guys...can't be all flash and Madden all day...

Gibbs loves him because he is reliable and a leader...what teams need.

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Espy, I hope...but you always know James Thrash will be in the mix because Gibbs loves him so much for some reason. I will never understand that...I mean sure he's a super-smart teams guy but he gots no skills at WR...

Did you watch any of the games we played him in when we didn't have Moss? No one ever expects you to throw to Thrash so he was always there when we needed him to move the chains. I looked at him as one of the handful of guys who we could count on last season.

There's also a certain play in Madden where he runs a straight line down the right side of the field while Moss, Randel El, and Lloyd get all the attention on their own deep routes. No one ever expects an 80 yard bomb to your #4 WR. I wish I could have seen all the people I burned that way.

I want Espy to stay on the team and get some oppurtunity but Thrash is still dependable for those unglamorous key catches people forget about.

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James Thrash. He still has a lot to offer IMO.

The reason people say that he has "lost a step" is because people probably see him unable to catch the one attempt he's been trown to because of great defense or a bad throw by Brunnell.

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