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Joe Gibbs Press Conference Transcript


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April 28, 2007

NFL Draft

Head Coach Joe Gibbs

On selecting LSU safety LaRon Landry with the #6 pick in the 2007 NFL Draft:

"We’ve done tremendous research. We made a trip to Louisiana and it was everybody: Dan (Snyder) went, all the defensive coaches. We had a good chance to visit with everyone down there that coached him and visited with most of the people at LSU. I talked to all the coaches. He had an older brother, Dawan that plays for Baltimore."

"We felt like this is somebody we highlighted and did a lot of research on so we certainly feel good about adding him to our football team. (One of the) key things for us was that he started 48 out of the 52 games he’s been there (at LSU). When we worked him out, after 10 or 15 minutes you pretty much said you don’t have to work this guy out physically. He covers a lot of ground. He’s a very sure tackler. He’s somebody that when you see in open field has the ability to be a sure tackler and aggressive."

On the Redskins remaining picks in the draft:

"Tomorrow is going to be very important for us. We had another meeting as late as yesterday where we again put everybody from the 5th round on down on the board and tried to circle and highlight people we felt would have a good chance of making our club. We’re hoping we are going to be able to get some players in there like we did last year with Kedric Golston and Anthony Montgomery."

On drafting a safety over other positions and potential team needs:

"I think it was just an evaluation process of what we thought of those players. At this pick, it takes a big portion of your salary cap and you need to pick someone you feel is going to play a long time and have a chance to do some outstanding things for you. It was an evaluation process. Most people in the league felt LaRon was going to be a high draft choice and a high pick."

On if they had the option of trading back with Adrian Peterson and Brady Quinn still on the board at #6:

"It was pretty calm. There were some calls that took place but everyone was pretty happy with just standing pat."

On his visit with Landry:

"We flew down there and after the workout, he flew back with us. So we had added time with him on the plane. He came in for his visit and we had dinner. It’s important because you see him interact with other players that were in here. You get a chance to see them in a social setting."

On not taking a defensive lineman:

"With our defensive line, Greg (Blache) feels good about it. Last year we added two young guys at tackle. We’re counting on Phillip Daniels coming back (from injury). We have Renaldo (Wynn) and Andre (Carter) and are getting Marcus (Washington) back healthy. So we felt like there wasn’t pressure for us to do something there. Like we said, at the 6th pick you’re going to take a player you feel is a 6th pick. You want that kind of a player which is what we think we got."

On if there was a specific game or play that made Landry stand out:

"He didn’t have a lot of balls that were thrown deep in the middle of the field where he could get his hands on them this year. People just didn’t throw in there. We went back to the two previous years and took every pass that was a down the field pass and put them on one reel. We studied that where you can see him make plays on the balls down the field. It was in-depth. What impresses you is they don’t throw a lot in there where he can get his hands on them. The other thing that impressed us is that he’s very decisive. When he makes up his mind to go, there’s not a hesitation in there. He’s gone. It will be interesting to see what happens here. We have some other safeties that are veteran guys. It will be interesting to see how he fits in there. It will be interesting to see how he fits in with Sean (Taylor). We have a lot of work but think we have a player that will be around a long time and make a lot of plays for us."

On trading for the possibility of acquiring more picks in this draft:

"At this pick, we tried to prepare ourselves for what would happen if who called. But we also, it’s very hard to get something done. Generally, you have to feel like you’re going to set there and make the pick. The other part of that is it has to be something very valuable before you’re going to move off that thing. It would have to be something to really entice you. The value of that pick and the fact that we felt we were getting that kind of player there certainly affected us."

On drafting another safety with a first round pick after taking Sean Taylor in 2004:

"You choose a little bit different depending on what happens to you the year before. Certainly, with us going through all the problems we had last year always affects you. We said after the season we were going to do lengthy research on what we thought was the way to help our football team. We did that. Obviously, our defense really fell off so where do we need to add help to try and help ourselves? To be truthful, we’ve done that. In free agency, we added a middle linebacker and two corners which give us depth. There are still place son our football team. We have some places we’d like to add some players and certainly tomorrow is very important to us. By adding a safety that’s a high quality guy, those are the places we highlighted. It doesn’t mean that there aren’t other places we’d love to have a player but we’re looking at what helps us the most. We need to get our defense back playing the way it did for the first two years. Hopefully, these moves are going to help us do that."

On if Landry is similar to Sean Taylor:

"There are definitely similarities there. The fact they can both really run and cover a lot of field. They both have proven they can be interceptors. They are both ball hawks, they cover a lot of field, can really run, are big and are real good tacklers. I don’t think anyone is a better blow up guy than Sean. LaRon is really aggressive and is a very good tackler. So we have to go to work and try and put all that together and see how it helps our football team."

On the possibility of Landry being a starter:

"In making this pick, it would be hard for us to pick anyone on any spot on our football team to say they are going to come in right now and take over a spot. We have some good players here at almost all positions. That will be a work in progress. It’s about how well he does and what our coaches think once we get underway."

On if there’s a possibility for acquiring more picks by trading next year’s picks, similarly to how Chris Cooley was acquired:

"If there was a player there, I wouldn’t rule that out. In general, it’s hard to make those. So the best guess is we’re not going to do anything else today. You’re constantly looking at the boards and talking about things. Certainly, if someone falls to a point I wouldn’t say that can’t happen, I’ll just say it’s not very probable."

On if there were talks about trading up and if there is still a possibility of acquiring Lance Briggs:

"There were some talks leading up to this but today we made up our minds that there was very little chance we’d try and move up. There was more concentration on what would happen if someone called us."

"(Briggs talks) kind of died off. There were still some calls and some of it was concerning that but nothing really serious."

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