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How to raise a toast in Spanish


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This is hopefully a pretty straightforward question. I have an aunt in Chile and her birthday is in a couple of weeks. I'm putting together a happy birthday video for her from the relatives she has here in the US. With my poor Spanish, I'm trying to translate a phrase so that the non-English speaking relatives in Chile that are with her while viewing the video will understand that a toast is being made. It's been about 15 yrs since I've spoken bad Spanish and it has only gotten worse since then. For anyone who can translate without using an online translation such as Bable Fish, I would greatly appreciate it. Here is the phrase in English:

"Please raise your glasses in a toast to Peggy"


Levante por favor sus cristales con nosotros en una tostada a Peggy"

For some reason, this sounds like I'm raising a glass to a piece of toast. Once again, thank you for any help.

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For some reason, this sounds like I'm raising a glass to a piece of toast. Once again, thank you for any help.

You probably may know better than me, but I'm only trying to be helpful:

I don't know Spanish, but you may want to look into the cultural aspects of toasting in Chile.... there may be words that are used or a different phrase which doesn't translate exactly to English. I'm just saying, without using those phrases (which may or may not exist) the context of the toast may not make sense cross-culturally. Although spanish is spoken in Chile, there may exist a phrase that may be culturally specific.

That being said, tell your aunt that your ES family extends the Happy Birthday wishes!

OR you can say somethign simpler like "Please, raise your glasses to honor Aunt ______'s birthday"

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Thanks Quixote. Normally the toast is Salud! or "to Health". However, I'm trying to make it as Americanized as possible since there are many cousins in Chile and they infrequently get to visit us. I know there must be a phrase out there that matches what I posted, I'm just trying to avoid them laughing at raising their glasses to a piece of toast.

Thanks for reply, I appreciate it.

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"Please raise your glasses in a toast to Peggy"


Levante por favor sus cristales con nosotros en una tostada a Peggy"

For some reason, this sounds like I'm raising a glass to a piece of toast. Once again, thank you for any help.

Do you have a Spanish-English dictionary? Tostada is probably the wrong word. What you want to do is look up "toast" in a Spanish-English dictionary. It will give you several possibilities, and you then look those up on the Spanish side to get a better idea of their translation into English.



I don't know any Spanish, but looking at the online dictionary linked above, the word you're looking for might be "brindar."

no problem,

The German is "Prost!"

That's basically the equivalent of "Cheers!" but I don't believe it's the kind of toast you'd make on a birthday.

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That's the homeland mang! Brindar is technically the word but in Chile usually we go with "salud" (don't pronounce the d too strongly). Let's chile your line up a bit...

Peggy comoestai?! (this is not a real word, it is how chilenos say como estas, she'll love it). Estamos pensando de ti en tu cumpleaños dando gracias por tener una tia tan fabulosa! Por favor levanten sus cristales con nosotros en celebración. (raise your glass) Feliz cumplaños tia Peggy. Salud!

Also if Chileans are going to be watching this... might add the fight song for a good laugh.

C. H. I. Chi!

L. E. Le!

Chi Chi Chi Le Le Le Vi-va Chile!!!!

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