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I Hate The Redskins

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I realized after today's Giants game that I hate the Redskins.

Now, This morning I just knew the Redskins would lose today.

I just knew that our vets would be giving up on the season and our younger guys wouldn't play well.

However, during the game, I started to believe that we'd win.

Despite the early TOs, Ramsey was moving the ball well, our offense was clicking, and we were driving for a score.

But then what happened? Another Fumble! McCants!

Who caused the fumble? Serwanga! Wasn't he a Skin? Wasn't he on the team LAST Sunday? Now he is playing AGAINST us THIS Sunday?


So Serwanga played great for the Giants, causing and recovering a Redskins fumble, great.

Just when you think the Skins might pull through, it all falls apart.

Ramsey better get the next start, because he played great.

I Hate the Redskins.

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At least the Skins are good for one thing, putting me to sleep. I fell asleep watching the Skins for the first time in my many years of following them. The score was 17-0 when I crashed, and I awoke just in time to see Ramsey hit Gardner in the back of the endzone to make the score 17-12. To my amazment the Skins even converted the two point conversion to draw to 17-14. Hey I thought, maybe we have a chance! GET REAL. This team flat out SUCKS!!!!!!! This is the absolute worst Redskin team of the past decade of bad teams. Turnovers, missed tackles, penalties, you name it, they do it. Too bad Dallas lost. We are clearly the worst team in our division, if not the whole NFC. We deserve last place all to ourselves. What an embaressment we are. Time to go back to sleep.

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i was so distraught watching this team today, that i spent more time watching parts of the houston texans-pittsburgh steelers game. how bad is that? i was watching an expansion team beat up on the steelers, instead of watching my beloved redskins. i was literally sick to my stomach watching the fumbles and the lack of emotion on the field sometimes. i would agree that this is one of the worst redskins team of the past decade. AND IF RAMSEY DOESN'T START NEXT WEEK, I'M THRU FOR THE YEAR.

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Dan Snyder did make Champ, Derrius, Darnerian, or Danny drop the freaking ball.

The Redskins DOMINATED this game offensively, but when you turn the ball over 5 freakin times, you are GOING to lose.

The fact that we were still in it up to the last play shows you just how good we played in this game. Most of the time, when you are -5 on TOs, you are talking about a blowout.

Dan Snyder is an owner who wants to win as much as we do, of that I am certain. There are plenty of teams who have owners who do NOT give a damn about winning. Ill take Sny over them any day.

Plus, he will be the owner of the Redskins for a few decades, so you might as well start getting used to him.

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Originally posted by Japhy

:puke: :puke: :puke: All of yall are fair weather fans and you suck:puke: :puke: :puke:


You better read this thread more thoroughly. Not one of the guys who have posted here is a fairweather fan. They are here every week (and many are here every day) to talk about the Skins.

They are regulars of the Extremeskins community that have been supporting the Skins for months to years.

Relax, read some more of the threads here, get a feel for how things ebb and flow here. Then, you'll realize that 'fairweather' is not something that applied to many who come here.

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Luckily, our Fox affiliate here decided to show the Falcons game instead. Not that Vick provided any excitement, but it was better than sitting in front of the tube getting frustrated at my Redskins.

At one point I turned on the radio, only to hear the play-by-play of Wuerffel throwing the ball to Thompson, only to have the ball snatched away (don't know if it was a fumble) from him. At that point, I simply turned the radio off, laughed, and decided it wasn't worth getting angry.

This team of ours has completely fallen apart. Will Spurrier get it turned around? Man, I certainly hope so!

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Hey, I'm a fair weather fan. It was about 76 degrees(fair weather), and I'm a fan. It was perfect weather to put up the Christmas lights on the house, and catch game updates from NFL.com.

Now, if viewing was an option, I surely would have tortured myself.

Hate the Skins. Not an option. Hateing their sh/tty play and lack of fire is another story.

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