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Hijacking Handbook rewritten ; PART 2


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The hour will come, when hijacking will become extinct, or obsolete. A commercial pilot friend of mine told me we are not very far away from remote-controlled commercial airliners, which would virtually put hijackers out of work. And when he told me this, it was 5 years ago. So how close are we now ?

The only question is : Are airline passengers ready for the innovative, but scary new concept of stepping on an un-piloted jetliner ??

[edited.gif by Mick on September 23, 2001.]

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Sounds awfully scary to me.

Could be a perfect vehicle for terrorists. Only they have to take a building or assume the remote control rather than take control of a plane. These are thoughts off the top of my head. Admittedly, I know nothing of these technologies, so perhaps there are safeguards.

Wasn't there a French Airbus that was mostly auto-controlled (which may not be the same thing as remote-controlled) that crashed on it's first take-off a few years ago? Seems I've seen films of that on a documentary or two.

[edited.gif by Brave on September 23, 2001.]

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I don't think so, Brave. It would be harder to takeover a building than a ****pit.

Number one, ****pits are separated from society and law enforcement once they're in the sky. Therefore, harder for law enforcement to reach in an emergency.

Number two, if planes were controlled from the ground - instead of having to implement security on each and every individual flight, security personnel and security measures could be consolidated into just a handful of buldings. Therefore, we could afford to spend a lot more money securing those (few) buildings, to ensure their safety.

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That's true, Brave. All they'd have to do is perhaps hack through our signals, if possible.

And if we allow them terrorists to go through "Wireless Aviation School", the same way we allowed them to go through our current Aviation School, I guess we'd be in just as much danger, if not more.

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Very difficult the UAVs (predator)use cryptic radio/microwave frequencies and software that is changed daily.

More than likely the Military/ Govt will be in charge of "flying" the un manned airlines since we have been doing since 95


Take a sip of the Marty Kool Aid and Believe

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