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Last week, the Washington Times reported that Redskins exec Vinny Cerrato would be the team's de facto G.M. in the 2003 off-season, since he had been placed in charge of free agency and the draft.

That same day, Karl Swanson of the Redskins informed us that no such changes had been made.

According to a league source, both versions are accurate. Sort of.

The source tells us that folks close to the action in D.C. believe that Cerrato eventually will be given official control over the draft and free agency, and that owner Daniel Snyder will wait until after the season to make the changes.

As we previously have reported, Cerrato is a big hit with Snyder's parents, and that they lobbied for the return earlier this year of Cerrato, who was released after Snyder gave the keys temporarily to Marty Schottenheimer.

We've also reported that there is friction between Cerrato and team exec Joe Mendes, and that Cerrato's role had been diminished as the season unfolded. In our view, it makes sense that Snyder would be interested in nudge power back toward Cerrato, since the tinkerings of Mendes and coach du jour Steve Spurrier haven't translated into on-field success.

Even Snyders PARENTS are meddlers!!! :laugh:

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Sounds like the Skins may be playing a game with words, like Bill Clinton circa Monica Lewinski. If Karl Swanson merely said that "no such change HAD BEEN made," he's leaving the door open for such changes in the offseason. Of course it's debatable how much stock to put into this story, but luckydevi is right -- Larry Weismann had broken this story BEFORE the Washington Times ran it. And he stands by the story. If he's right, chalk this up as another shrewd move by our beloved owner. :rolleyes:

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IF any of that stuff about lobbying Snyder's parents is true and this is how the guy who controls our draft is selected, then very little the players are doing will make much difference.

Please tell me this isn't how things are done at Redskin Park. I don't want to be reading how Mendes trumped Cerrato by visiting Snyder's grandparents in some nursing home.

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Rumors have to start somewhere. It's probably garbage, but I mean, these ARE professional journalists whether we want to admit it or not. I'm not saying that there aren't crackpots out there who make stuff up, but most people who do this for a living wouldn't pull something out of the blue.

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