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Spurrier to "figure out which guys want to play," but...

Larry Brown #43

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Spurrier has told us that he intends to "figure out which guys want to play." But am I the only one who finds this a little ironic, and even futile, considering our owner routinely shuttles all the guys who have heart and desire out of town? Look at James Thrash, Brian Mitchell, Shawn Barber, Kenard Lang, Brad Johnson...what kind of fire, heart and desire can we honestly expect to see against Dallas -- or anyone else for that matter -- when we constantly ship this kind of heart out of town?

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LB43, I get your point, however with the exception of Mitchell I don't think any of the guys you mentioned have ever participated in a win against the cowgirls.

The main thing that has killed us against that team is the weakness in our line play. Unlike previous games, we had an advantage (until injuries changed it) in the matchups with our D line vs. their O line. As for our O line vs. their D line, let's just say we're not even in the same league. The results will continue to be the same until we fix that problem. All that will change is that it'll no longer be Emmitt having the 150 yd. game, it will be Hambrick.

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Actually Kenard was here for a victory over Dallas in 97 as well, but that's not really important. I guess my larger point is we have a coach who says "We're going to figure out who wants to play," but we have an owner who has routinely shuttled this very type of player out the door in favor of someone more expensive and less productive. I agree with the majority opinion that we quit against Dallas. It's just that I believe we quit against them because we have gotten rid of too many guys over the years who have heart. As for your point about our lines not playing well enough, I completely agree...but that's unlikely to change unless Snyder wakes up one day and realizes that lineman actually ARE important to the success of a football team.

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after seeing most of these players since the May minicamp Spurrier should have a pretty good idea of who can play and who can't.

his release of Green, Lockett and Anthony tells me he severely underestimated the the level of talent needed to win games in the NFL.

those players don't scare anyone. Green had speed but lacked hands and route runnin skills. Lockett ran decent routes but was slow as molasses for a guy only 190. Anthony simply couldn't play at all.

in terms of the quarterbacks, Spurrier is just playing paddy-cake.

He knows Wuerffel is not the answer for 2003. What he is doing is taking the chance to let Danny get some NFL snaps before the curtain comes down on 2002.

Oh, Spurrier would play someone else if he thought he would be guaranteed of winning, but if he has to take his lumps at quarterback he would rather pay Wuerffel back for his loyalty than get a head start on next season with Ramsey.

That is what separates Spurrier from other coaches in the NFL that have been successful. They know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.

When you are 5-7 and going nowhere with a starter who can't throw a 25 yard out pattern, you have to look to the future and BEYOND that player.

Not Spurrier. He is still trying to convince himself that losing say 27-21 WITH Wuerffel is better than giving Ramsey time and perhaps losing that same game 27-10 or 27-13.

What a waste of time these last 4 games are going to be if that mindset continues :mad:

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