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Please vote for Sean Singletary for The Cousy Award


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Please vote for Sean Singletary.

He is a point guard at UVA, and is silently leading them to a spectacular season. If you have seen him play you would understand that he is absolutely deserving of this award.

I honestly believe that because of the mass amounts of people from extremeskins that voted for Gilbert Arenas, were what got Gilbert Arenas past Vince Carter in the All-Star Game voting.

By the way, Sean loves the Redskins and hate Dallas (If that isn't enough for a vote what is? :D )

Thanks fellow skins fans!

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I have 3 email accounts so I voted 3 times :D I just need to remember to do this everyday. Sean has been absolutely unbelievable this year and is very deserving of this award. I just hope he doesn't change his mind and decide to go to the NBA after this season.

I didn't know he's a Redskins fan. That makes it all the better. I'd figured him for an iggle since he's from philly.

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