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Cowboys release Vanderjagt sign Gramatica (Idiot Kicker Merge)


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:laugh: wasn't he the answer to your prayers?

should have won you'll an extra 3 games :silly:

I guess not.

But, weren't these guys the answer to yours?

Arch Delux

Andre Carter

Brandon Lloyd

TJ Duckett

I'll take a miss on a kicker over those 4 any day.

And don't speak too soon.....Dannyboy is probably gassin' up redskins1 for a trip to a Dallas drunk-tank as we speak....

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I don't want that head-case Vanderjerk here! One thing that irked Parcells was that Vanderjerk said he didn't like to kickoff. We have enough problems getting the ball past the 15-yard line. Why bring in a guy who will tell you up front that he doesn't do kickoffs? Thanks, but no thanks!

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His kickoffs suck...

And Novak's don't? I think Bob Novak (the blowhard conservative columnist) could kick off further than Nick Novak.

I say at least bring the dude in for a workout and a chat. We can't do any worse than what we've got. I just assume Novak will miss every kick and am shocked when he makes one. That ain't good.

How bout this: We sign Van der Shank, squeeze into the playoffs. Then we go to Dallas for the NFC championship and he beats the Tuna on a 50 yarder at the gun, sending all of Brokeback Nation into a suicidal depression that lasts 10 years.

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