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Question about the O-Line


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The Broncos choose their linemen very carefully. In order to run that type of scheme, they have to be very atheletic. The Broncos offensive linemen are below average in size but make up for it in atheleticism. I may be wrong but I dont think our line is capable of executing the scheme.

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Do you think Redskins should switch to a Zone type like the Broncos?

Would this hurt or help a new QB learning the system?

It depends on the type of zone blocking. If it's based on the three levels of zone that run paralell to the line of scrimmage, (line, line backer and secondary, 1, 2, 3, accordingly) I think it might be a good thing.

If however it is based on the perpendictular gaps or lanes I think it wouldn't be any different then what is going on now. That is poor execution and missed blocks at the point of attack.

What's more important than any thinking our o-lineman have to do is execute the fundamentals. They aren't getting low enough. They aren't fire-ing out quick enough (run blocks). They aren't moving thier feet (pass blocking). They aren't maintaining leverage advantage.

Do those things first before you worry about changing any blocking assingments.

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